Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order



Black Mold Exposure Test (IgG)

The Black Mold Exposure Test (IgG) is a blood test that assesses the levels of IgG antibodies in response to black mold exposure. Elevated IgG levels can signify recent or continuous exposure to black mold, leading to health concerns like respiratory problems and skin irritation. This test helps diagnose black mold exposure and is utilized to evaluate treatment efficacy.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

228 4.87

from $89.00

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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG Antibody Test

The CMV IgG Antibody Test is a blood test that detects the presence of IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV is a common virus that can cause flu-like symptoms in healthy individuals but can be more serious in those with weakened immune systems. The presence of IgG antibodies suggests past exposure to CMV, helping healthcare providers diagnose infections. This test is commonly ordered for pregnant individuals or those at risk of CMV infection. A positive result indicates past CMV exposure, while a negative result may indicate no exposure or a recent infection without detectable IgG antibodies.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

151 4.94

from $119.00

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from $119.00Visit Lab

Measles Immunity Test (IgG)

The Measles Immunity Test (IgG) is a laboratory test that measures the level of measles-specific antibodies (IgG) in an individual's blood to determine if they have developed immunity to measles through vaccination or natural infection. The test works by collecting a blood sample, mixing it with a measles antigen, and measuring the amount of IgG antibodies bound to the antigen using an ELISA test. The results are interpreted as: negative- no immunity and at risk of infection, positive- immunity either through vaccination or natural infection, titers- indicates the level of IgG antibodies, with higher values indicating higher immunity. The advantages of this test are: it is non-invasive, requiring only a blood sample; accurate and reliable in detecting measles immunity; can identify individuals at risk of measles infection due to lack of immunity.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

255 4.86

from $49.00

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Mumps IgG Immunity Test

The Mumps IgG Immunity Test is a laboratory test that detects the presence of mumps IgG antibodies in the blood to determine if an individual has developed immunity to mumps. The test is typically performed as a blood test, where a sample of blood is collected from a vein in the arm. The results will indicate whether the individual has developed immunity, has not developed immunity, or the test is inconclusive. A positive result indicates that the individual has developed immunity to mumps and is likely to be protected against future infection. This can be important for prevention, public health, and vaccination purposes.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

172 4.98

from $49.00

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Rubella Antibodies Test (IgG & IgM)

The Rubella Antibodies Test is a diagnostic tool to identify rubella virus antibodies in the blood. Two antibody types, IgG and IgM, are tested for. IgG signifies past immunity from infection or vaccination, while IgM indicates recent infection. The test is commonly included in prenatal screenings to assess rubella immunity and can confirm recent infections. Consulting a healthcare provider for result interpretation and appropriate next steps is crucial.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

100 4.95

from $69.00

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from $69.00Visit Lab

Rubella IgG Immunity Test

A Rubella IgG Immunity Test is a blood test used to determine if an individual has immunity to Rubella by measuring IgG antibodies in the blood. Rubella is a viral infection that can be harmful, especially to pregnant women. Testing is recommended for pregnant women, unvaccinated individuals, those with incomplete vaccine doses, and travelers to high-risk areas. The test involves drawing a blood sample, which is then analyzed in a laboratory for IgG antibodies against Rubella. Positive results indicate immunity, while negative results may require vaccination.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

126 4.7

from $39.00

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Tapeworm (Echinococcus) IgG Test

The Tapeworm (Echinococcus) IgG test detects antibodies produced in response to the Echinococcus tapeworm infection. Ingesting tapeworm eggs can lead to cyst formation in organs like the liver and lungs. The test measures Echinococcus-specific IgG levels in the blood, indicating current or past infection. It aids in diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and complication risk assessment. If exposure or symptoms are suspected, consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and testing.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

216 4.93

from $79.00

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Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG Titer Test

The Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG titer test is a blood test that checks for antibodies to the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles. A positive result shows past exposure and immunity, while a negative result indicates susceptibility. The test is used to assess immunity in high-risk individuals and confirm cases of chickenpox or shingles.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

190 4.95

from $130.00

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from $130.00Visit Lab

Acremonium Kiliense Allergy Test

Acremonium kilense is a type of mold known to trigger allergies. Allergy tests for this mold, such as skin prick tests or blood tests, can determine if someone is allergic to it. A positive result means the individual may experience symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and skin rashes when exposed to Acremonium kilense.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Alpha Gal (Mammalian Meat) Allergy Test

The Alpha Gal (Mammalian Meat) Allergy Test is a blood test that detects antibodies specific to the Alpha Gal carbohydrate molecule present in mammalian meat. It helps diagnose allergies to meats like beef, pork, lamb, and venison, which can lead to symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, digestive issues, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

American Dust Mite (Dermatophagoides farinae) Allergy Test

The American Dust Mite (Dermatophagoides farinae) Allergy Test is used to identify allergic reactions to dust mites, common household insects triggering allergies. It includes a blood sample or skin prick test to measure specific antibodies levels in response to dust mite allergens. Results guide healthcare providers in developing treatment plans for dust mite allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Animal Allergy Panel

An animal allergy panel is a comprehensive test used to identify allergies to various animals through skin prick and blood tests. These tests help determine specific animal allergens triggering reactions and guide personalized treatment plans, which may include allergen avoidance, medications, and lifestyle changes. Consulting with an allergist or immunologist is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management of animal allergies, offering guidance on symptom management and improving quality of life around animals.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Apple Allergy Test

An apple allergy test aims to identify allergies to apples in individuals. Tests involve skin pricks or blood tests to measure specific antibody levels in response to apple proteins. If an allergy is confirmed, avoidance of apples and prescription medications may be recommended for symptom management.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Aspergillus fumigatus Allergy Test

An Aspergillus fumigatus allergy test is a diagnostic test used to detect allergic reactions to the mold. It involves a skin prick or blood test to check for specific antibodies. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to Aspergillus fumigatus include coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and nasal congestion.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Aspergillus niger Allergy Test

An Aspergillus niger allergy test is performed to identify allergic reactions to the mold. Testing methods include skin prick tests, blood tests for specific antibodies, and patch tests. Symptoms of this allergy can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and nasal congestion. Treatment often involves avoiding exposure to the mold and using medications to manage symptoms.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Banana Allergy Test

A banana allergy test is a medical procedure utilized to diagnose banana allergies. Types of tests available include skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges that measure specific antibodies in relation to allergic reactions. Upon identifying a banana allergy, doctors are able to offer suitable treatment options and guidance on managing the allergy, which may include avoiding bananas and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Basic Food Allergy Panel

A basic food allergy panel typically tests for allergies to common foods such as milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. It involves a blood test to measure levels of specific antibodies that the body produces in response to these foods. This panel can help identify potential food allergies and guide dietary restrictions to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $160.00

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Basic Industrial Allergen Panel

The Basic Industrial Allergen Panel consists of tests that assess an individual's allergic reactions to common allergens present in industrial environments such as chemicals, metals, and other substances. It encompasses assessments for allergens like latex, chrome, nickel, and formaldehyde, among others, frequently encountered in work settings. These tests aid in the identification and treatment of allergies in individuals employed in industrial settings.

Allergy Testing

from $159.00

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Berry Fruit Allergen Panel

The Berry Fruit Allergen Panel is a test that assesses a person's sensitivity to the specific fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and avocados. It can involve skin prick testing, blood testing, or oral food challenges to determine any allergies. Identifying these allergens can help healthcare providers assist patients in managing their allergies and reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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Brazil Nut Allergy Test

A Brazil nut allergy test is a medical test used to diagnose allergic reactions to Brazil nuts. It can be done through skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge, where the person is exposed to Brazil nut protein and observed for symptoms like rashes, itching, or difficulty breathing. The results help determine if someone is allergic and guide treatment and dietary recommendations.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Broccoli Allergy Test

A broccoli allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to broccoli by using skin prick, blood tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a broccoli allergy may include itching, hives, breathing difficulty, or digestive issues. Patients with food allergies should be aware of their triggers and seek medical advice when needed.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Brussels Sprouts Allergy Test

A Brussels sprouts allergy test helps determine if an individual is allergic to Brussels sprouts through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. Allergic reactions can vary from mild symptoms like itching to severe ones like difficulty breathing.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Buckwheat Allergy Test

A Buckwheat Allergy Test is a medical procedure used to check for allergic reactions to buckwheat by exposing the individual to small amounts of the food. Positive results indicate an allergic reaction to buckwheat and the need to avoid it in the future.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Bumblebee Allergy Test

A Bumblebee Allergy Test is used to detect immune reactions to bumblebee venom, which can cause allergies ranging from mild to severe. The test involves exposure to a small amount of venom and monitoring for any allergic responses. If positive, carrying an epinephrine auto-injector may be recommended.

Allergy Testing

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

Canary Bird Feathers Allergy Test

A Canary Bird Feathers Allergy Test is a medical assessment to identify allergic reactions to canary bird feathers by exposing individuals to the feathers and monitoring reactions such as itching, sneezing, hives, or difficulty breathing. Diagnosis from this test helps healthcare providers in developing treatment plans for managing allergy symptoms.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Carrot Allergy Test

The carrot allergy test is a medical procedure used to diagnose carrot allergies in individuals. The test methods include skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets to identify any adverse reactions to carrots. If an allergy is confirmed, the individual should avoid consuming carrots or carrot-containing products to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cat and Dog Allergy Panel

A cat and dog allergy panel typically includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and sometimes oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to pet dander proteins. Results help diagnose and manage pet allergies effectively for individuals with sensitivities to cats and dogs.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $89.00

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Catfish Allergy Test

A catfish allergy test is a medical test conducted by an allergist or healthcare provider to determine if a person is allergic to catfish. Different methods, such as skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges, may be used to diagnose the allergy. The results help in devising a suitable treatment plan for individuals with catfish allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cauliflower Allergy Test

If you suspect you may have a cauliflower allergy, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper testing and diagnosis. Allergy testing for cauliflower may include skin prick tests, blood tests, or an elimination diet. These tests can help determine if you have a true allergy to cauliflower and identify any other potential food allergies or sensitivities.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Celiac Disease Antibody Screening Test

The Celiac Disease Antibody Screening Test is a blood test that checks for specific antibodies associated with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption. These antibodies, including tTG, EMA, and DGP, can be elevated in individuals with celiac disease, leading to damage in the small intestine and symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea. The test is used as an initial step in diagnosing cupcake disease and may be followed by further tests like an intestinal biopsy for confirmation. Early detection and proper management of celiac disease are crucial for preventing complications and improving quality of life.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

Cherry Allergy Test

A cherry allergy test is used to diagnose allergic reactions to cherries. The test can involve a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge to detect specific antibodies associated with cherry allergies. If confirmed, healthcare providers advise avoiding cherries and having an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chili Pepper Allergy Test

A chili pepper allergy test is conducted to check for allergic reactions to chili peppers through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Symptoms of chili pepper allergies include hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cinnamon Allergy Test

A Cinnamon Allergy Test is conducted to check for an allergic reaction to cinnamon, which can be identified through blood tests, skin prick tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a cinnamon allergy include skin rashes, itching, swelling, and breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Citrus Fruit Allergen Panel

The Citrus Fruit Allergen Panel is a diagnostic test that identifies allergic reactions to the citrus fruits like limes, tangerines, oranges, lemons, and grapefruits by testing for specific allergens in these fruits, including citric acid, limonene, and proteins. It is recommended for individuals with symptoms like itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing after consuming citrus fruits. A positive result doesn't mean an allergy to all citrus fruits; it helps create personalized treatment plans for citrus allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Cladosporium Herbarum Allergy Test

The Cladosporium Herbarum allergy test is a diagnostic tool for identifying allergic reactions to this fungus, which is widespread both indoors and outdoors, causing symptoms in certain individuals. The test commonly employs skin prick or blood testing to gauge antibody levels triggered by exposure to Cladosporium Herbarum, allowing healthcare providers to propose suitable management and treatment strategies for the allergy.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Clam Allergy Test

A clam allergy test is a medical procedure to diagnose an individual's allergic reaction to clams through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Test results assist healthcare providers in recommending treatment strategies, such as avoiding clam-based foods and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Coconut Allergy Test

A coconut allergy test is used to identify allergic reactions to coconut through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Individuals are exposed to coconut protein in small amounts to detect allergic responses like itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Codfish Allergy Test

A codfish allergy test is done to check for allergic reactions to codfish. It includes skin prick tests, blood tests, and food challenges exposing the person to codfish protein. Diagnosing codfish allergies is crucial as they can lead to severe symptoms like hives, swelling, breathing difficulties, and anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Fall Allergy Panel

A fall allergy panel is a medical test that helps determine if a person is allergic to common fall allergens such as ragweed, mold spores, and dust mites. The panel typically involves a skin prick test or blood test to measure the body's immune response to specific allergens. Depending on the results, healthcare providers can recommend treatment options such as allergen avoidance, medications, or allergy shots.

Allergy Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Fusarium Moniliforme Allergy Test

The Fusarium Moniliforme Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool used to identify allergic reactions to this common environmental mold in individuals. It entails analyzing blood or skin samples that are exposed to Fusarium moniliforme antigens to detect immune responses as indicators of an allergy. Healthcare providers can leverage the results of this test to pinpoint whether a person's symptoms are triggered by an allergy to Fusarium moniliforme, aiding in tailored treatment strategies.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

The HBsAg test is a blood test used to detect hepatitis B virus. It is part of routine blood work, helps monitor chronic infections, and identifies carriers. A positive result shows current infection, prompting further tests to determine severity and treatment. Consult a healthcare provider for result interpretation and treatment to prevent liver damage and complications like cirrhosis and cancer.

Hepatitis Testing

from $24.00

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from $24.00Visit Lab

Immunoglobulin E IgE Test

The IgE test measures IgE antibody levels in the blood, crucial for allergic reactions and often elevated in individuals with allergies or asthma. It helps diagnose allergies when symptoms are unclear and identifies specific allergens causing reactions, guiding treatment options. The test, used alongside medical history and examination, informs healthcare providers on recommending treatments such as allergen avoidance or medications.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $49.00

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Latex Allergy Test

The Latex Allergy Test assesses one's immune reaction to latex proteins, commonly triggered by exposure to latex products. Testing methods include skin prick, blood, and patch tests to confirm latex allergies. Early detection is crucial to prevent severe reactions like anaphylaxis.

Allergy Testing

from $59.00

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Lemon Allergy Test

A lemon allergy test is conducted to diagnose allergic reactions to lemons or lemon products. The test can involve a skin prick test or a blood test called specific IgE to assess the presence of antibodies related to the allergy. Testing is crucial for individuals suspected of having lemon allergies to identify triggers and avoid potential allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Lyme Disease Antibodies Test

The Lyme disease antibodies test, or serology test, detects Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in the blood. It's ordered for those with suspected tick exposure, manifesting symptoms like fever, fatigue, joint pain, and erythema migrans. The test looks for IgM (early infection) and IgG (later infection) antibodies. False results are possible. A positive test may prompt further confirmation testing. Treatment involves antibiotics, with early detection crucial to prevent complications. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect Lyme disease exposure.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Meat Allergen Panel

A meat allergen panel is a blood test used to identify allergies to certain meats: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and lamb. It helps healthcare providers diagnose and manage meat allergies by pinpointing specific allergens causing symptoms such as hives, swelling, itching, or difficulty breathing. Results can guide patients and providers in developing strategies to avoid triggers and effectively manage symptoms.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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Mold Allergen Panel

The Mold Allergen Panel is a diagnostic test used to identify mold spore allergies through specific mold allergens such as Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium. This test can be done via skin prick or blood tests to measure the immune response, aiding physicians in determining the most effective treatment for individuals with mold allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Mugwort Weed Allergy Test

The Mugwort Weed Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool to identify allergies to mugwort weed. The test usually includes a skin prick or blood test to detect specific IgE antibodies triggered by exposure to mugwort. Allergic individuals may suffer from symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and potentially asthma or anaphylaxis. This testing can assist in recognizing and managing triggers for allergic reactions.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Mushroom Allergy Test

A mushroom allergy test can be conducted through blood or skin tests to determine if an individual is allergic to mushrooms. Exposure to mushroom extract during the test may trigger symptoms like itching, hives, swelling, or in severe cases, anaphylaxis in allergic individuals.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Nut Allergy Panel

The nut allergy panel consists of tests to diagnose allergies to the nuts: almonds, cashews, coconuts, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, and peanuts. It includes skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges to determine the presence and severity of the allergy. Identifying specific triggers can help develop a treatment plan, including avoidance strategies and emergency response measures. Consulting with an allergist is important for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

Opiate Screen and Confirmation (Urine Test)

An opiate screen and confirmation test in urine is used to detect the presence of opiates, a class of drugs derived from the opium poppy plant or synthetic versions that act on opioid receptors in the body. The initial screening test detects opiate metabolites, and if positive, a confirmation test with methods like GC/MS is done. Results can help healthcare or law enforcement determine recent opiate use, but prescription medications containing opiates can also trigger a positive result.

Drug Testing

from $49.00

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Parrot/Parakeet Droppings Allergy Test

The Parrot/Parakeet Droppings Allergy Test is used to diagnose allergies to the droppings of these birds through skin prick or blood tests. Positive results can lead to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, wheezing, or skin rashes upon exposure to the droppings.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Parrot/Parakeet Feathers Allergy Test

A parrot/parakeet feathers allergy test involves different tests to determine if someone is allergic to the feathers of these birds. Positive results may lead to symptoms like sneezing, itching, coughing, or wheezing, and treatment options include avoiding exposure to the feathers, taking antihistamines, or allergy shots.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Perennial (Year-Round) Allergy Panel

The Perennial Allergy Panel is a comprehensive test that identifies year-round allergens like dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, and indoor fungi. By pinpointing specific allergens, your healthcare provider can create a personalized treatment plan for symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, coughing, and rashes. This panel helps manage persistent allergies, providing insight into triggers and ways to minimize exposure. It's a valuable tool in managing year-round allergies, offering the opportunity to improve quality of life through tailored treatment plans with healthcare providers.

Allergy Testing

from $299.00

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Phoma Betae Allergy Test

A Phoma beta allergy test is a diagnostic test to check for an allergy to the fungus Phoma beta. It entails analyzing blood for antibodies triggered by exposure to Phoma beta. A positive result indicates an allergy, potentially causing respiratory issues or skin reactions. This information aids healthcare providers in determining the appropriate treatment plan.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Shellfish Allergy Panel

A shellfish allergy panel includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to shellfish proteins. Results help determine the presence and severity of the allergy for personalized treatment and management.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Spring Allergy Panel

A spring allergy panel is a specific type of allergy test that is designed to identify allergens that are common during the spring season, such as tree pollen, grass pollen, and other outdoor allergens. This test can help identify specific allergens that may be causing allergic symptoms in individuals during the spring months.

Allergy Testing

from $199.00

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Summer Allergy Panel

A Summer Allergy Panel is a series of tests done to identify allergens that may be causing allergic reactions during the summer months. This panel typically includes tests for common summer allergens such as grass pollen, tree pollen, weed pollen, and mold spores. By identifying specific allergens, healthcare providers can develop personalized treatment plans to help manage and control allergy symptoms during the summer season.

Allergy Testing

from $159.00

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Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test

The Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test is a medical test commonly performed by allergists or healthcare providers to diagnose allergies to Sycamore trees or Maple leaves. This test may include skin prick tests, blood tests (e.g., IgE antibody test), or patch tests to assess if a person's immune system reacts excessively to the proteins in these plants, resulting in allergic reactions like hay fever, asthma, or skin rashes.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Timothy Grass / Hay Allergy Test

Timothy grass/hay allergy tests help identify allergies to these substances through skin prick or blood tests, detecting specific antibodies that trigger symptoms like itching, sneezing, or respiratory problems upon exposure. Treatment may involve avoidance, medication, or allergen immunotherapy.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Test

The vitamin B3 (niacin) test measures niacin levels in the blood to detect deficiencies or excess. Niacin is vital for nervous system, digestion, and skin health. Symptoms like rash, diarrhea, memory loss, or fatigue may trigger this test, especially for those at risk due to health conditions or medications. Blood analysis determines niacin levels and guides potential dietary changes or supplementation to address any deficiencies or excesses.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $49.00

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