Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order


All Tests Starting with R


Rabbit Epithelium Allergy Test

The Rabbit Epithelium Allergy Test is used to check for allergies to rabbit epithelium by exposing the skin to rabbit epithelium extract and watching for allergic reactions like redness and itching, commonly done for individuals exposed to rabbits.

Allergy Testing


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Random Microalbumin (Urine Test)

Microalbuminuria is a condition characterized by elevated albumin levels in urine, indicating kidney damage, often linked to diabetes, hypertension, or certain medications. Monitoring microalbumin levels can aid in early detection and management of kidney disease, with treatment typically involving lifestyle adjustments, medication, and regular kidney function monitoring.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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Raspberry Allergy Test

A Raspberry Allergy Test is a medical examination that determines raspberry allergies. It can be done using skin prick, blood, or food challenge tests. The skin prick test places raspberry extract on the skin and the reaction is observed. The blood test checks antibody levels indicating a raspberry allergy. A food challenge test involves consuming raspberries to detect allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels


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Rat Urine Allergy Test

The Rat Urine Allergy Test is used to diagnose if an individual is allergic to rat urine by exposing them to a small amount of rat urine and observing any allergic reactions like itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Treatment options may involve avoiding contact with rats or taking allergy medications.

Allergy Testing


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Red Cedar Allergy Test

A Red Cedar Allergy Test is a medical evaluation performed by a healthcare provider to identify red cedar pollen allergies in individuals. This testing commonly includes a skin prick or blood test to assess the body's immune reaction to red cedar allergens. By analyzing the results, healthcare professionals can advise patients on avoiding red cedar pollen exposure and suggest suitable treatment methods for allergy symptom relief.

Allergy Testing


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Red Kidney Bean Allergy Test

A Red Kidney Bean Allergy Test helps diagnose allergic reactions to red kidney beans through skin prick or blood tests measuring specific antibodies levels.

Food Allergy Testing Panels


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Renal (Kidney) Function Panel

A renal function panel is a group of tests used by healthcare providers to evaluate kidney function and diagnose kidney-related disorders. The panel typically includes tests for blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), electrolytes, and urinalysis. This comprehensive panel helps assess kidney health and guide treatment for conditions such as kidney disease, kidney stones, and electrolyte imbalances. It is recommended for individuals with risk factors for kidney disease, like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Kidney and Liver Tests


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Reverse T3 Test

The reverse T3 test measures levels of reverse triiodothyronine (rT3), a metabolite of thyroid hormone T4. High rT3 levels can indicate thyroid disorders or other health conditions. This test aids in diagnosing hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid hormone resistance, and can help monitor thyroid function during treatment.

Thyroid Tests


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Rheumatoid Arthritis Test - Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that causes joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and stiffness. The Rheumatoid Factor (RF) test is a blood test that detects antibodies in response to inflammation, often associated with RA, but can also be found in other conditions. A positive RF test doesn't always mean RA, and not all RA cases show positive results. It is one of several tests used for diagnosis, alongside anti-CCP test and imaging studies. Clinical evaluation by a healthcare provider is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. Early detection and treatment of RA help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. If you suspect RA symptoms, seek medical evaluation for appropriate management.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests


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Rice Allergy Test

A rice allergy test is a diagnostic procedure to detect if someone has an allergic reaction to rice. It usually includes a skin prick or blood test to identify specific antibodies to rice proteins. Additionally, a food challenge test may be conducted with medical supervision to confirm the diagnosis. This test helps pinpoint the allergen causing symptoms like hives, itching, or swelling after consuming rice.

Food Allergy Testing Panels


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Routine Urinalysis

A routine urinalysis is a common medical test that examines urine samples for abnormal substances indicative of various health conditions. High protein, glucose, blood cell, or bacterial levels may signal infections, kidney problems, or other medical issues. The test results assist healthcare providers in diagnosing and monitoring a range of health conditions.

General Health and Wellness Tests


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Rubella Antibodies Test (IgG & IgM)

The Rubella Antibodies Test is a diagnostic tool to identify rubella virus antibodies in the blood. Two antibody types, IgG and IgM, are tested for. IgG signifies past immunity from infection or vaccination, while IgM indicates recent infection. The test is commonly included in prenatal screenings to assess rubella immunity and can confirm recent infections. Consulting a healthcare provider for result interpretation and appropriate next steps is crucial.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing


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Rubella Antibodies Test (IgG & IgM)

The rubella antibodies test detects IgG and IgM antibodies in response to the rubella virus. IgG indicates immunity from previous infection or vaccination, while IgM suggests a recent infection. The test is vital for pregnant women to prevent complications for the fetus.

Infectious Disease Testing


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Rubella IgG Immunity Test

A Rubella IgG Immunity Test is a blood test used to determine if an individual has immunity to Rubella by measuring IgG antibodies in the blood. Rubella is a viral infection that can be harmful, especially to pregnant women. Testing is recommended for pregnant women, unvaccinated individuals, those with incomplete vaccine doses, and travelers to high-risk areas. The test involves drawing a blood sample, which is then analyzed in a laboratory for IgG antibodies against Rubella. Positive results indicate immunity, while negative results may require vaccination.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing


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Rye Allergy Test

A rye allergy test is a medical examination conducted to identify if an individual is allergic to rye, a cereal grain found in bread and other baked goods. The test may include a skin prick test or a blood test to measure antibodies specific to rye proteins. Test results can assist in determining if rye consumption should be avoided to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels


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