Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order


Management strategies

Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody (AChR) Test

The AChR antibody test measures antibodies targeting acetylcholine receptors in the body, crucial for muscle movement. It helps diagnose myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune condition causing muscle weakness. Results can confirm the disease, but not all patients show antibodies. The test also aids in treatment monitoring and distinguishing neuromuscular disorders. Consult a healthcare provider for result interpretation and appropriate treatment, which may involve medication and immunosuppressants.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

from $319.00

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from $319.00Visit Lab

Basil Allergy Test

A Basil allergy test is conducted to determine if a person is allergic to the herb Basil. Tests include skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge to check the immune system's reaction to Basil allergens. Symptoms of a Basil allergy may include itching, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Treatment involves avoiding Basil and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector in case of severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Black Pepper Allergy Test

A Black Pepper allergy test is conducted to identify if a person is allergic to Black Pepper. This test can be carried out through different methods such as skin prick tests or blood tests. If allergic, symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, breathing difficulties, and digestive issues may occur upon consuming Black Pepper. Individuals with Black Pepper allergies should avoid products containing this ingredient to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Broccoli Allergy Test

A broccoli allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to broccoli by using skin prick, blood tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a broccoli allergy may include itching, hives, breathing difficulty, or digestive issues. Patients with food allergies should be aware of their triggers and seek medical advice when needed.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Brussels Sprouts Allergy Test

A Brussels sprouts allergy test helps determine if an individual is allergic to Brussels sprouts through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. Allergic reactions can vary from mild symptoms like itching to severe ones like difficulty breathing.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cabbage Allergy Test

Cabbage allergy testing methods are important in diagnosing allergic reactions to cabbage. Tests such as skin prick tests, blood tests, and food challenges are used to determine if an individual is allergic to cabbage by exposing them to cabbage extract or proteins and monitoring for allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Canary Bird Feathers Allergy Test

A Canary Bird Feathers Allergy Test is a medical assessment to identify allergic reactions to canary bird feathers by exposing individuals to the feathers and monitoring reactions such as itching, sneezing, hives, or difficulty breathing. Diagnosis from this test helps healthcare providers in developing treatment plans for managing allergy symptoms.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cat and Dog Allergy Panel

A cat and dog allergy panel typically includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and sometimes oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to pet dander proteins. Results help diagnose and manage pet allergies effectively for individuals with sensitivities to cats and dogs.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

Cat Dander Allergy Test

A Cat Dander Allergy Test is used to determine if someone is allergic to proteins found in cats. Various tests like skin prick or blood tests are used to check the immune response to cat dander. A positive result indicates an allergy, leading to symptoms like sneezing, itching, hives, or asthma upon exposure to cat dander.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Chocolate (Cocoa) Allergy Test

A Chocolate (Cocoa) Allergy Test is used to determine if someone is allergic to cocoa, commonly found in chocolate. The test involves a skin prick test or a blood test to check for a reaction to cocoa. Positive results may lead to symptoms like hives, itching, swollen lips, difficulty breathing, or stomach cramps after consuming chocolate or cocoa-containing products.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Citrus Fruit Allergen Panel

The Citrus Fruit Allergen Panel is a diagnostic test that identifies allergic reactions to the citrus fruits like limes, tangerines, oranges, lemons, and grapefruits by testing for specific allergens in these fruits, including citric acid, limonene, and proteins. It is recommended for individuals with symptoms like itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing after consuming citrus fruits. A positive result doesn't mean an allergy to all citrus fruits; it helps create personalized treatment plans for citrus allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Cladosporium Herbarum Allergy Test

The Cladosporium Herbarum allergy test is a diagnostic tool for identifying allergic reactions to this fungus, which is widespread both indoors and outdoors, causing symptoms in certain individuals. The test commonly employs skin prick or blood testing to gauge antibody levels triggered by exposure to Cladosporium Herbarum, allowing healthcare providers to propose suitable management and treatment strategies for the allergy.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Clam Allergy Test

A clam allergy test is a medical procedure to diagnose an individual's allergic reaction to clams through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Test results assist healthcare providers in recommending treatment strategies, such as avoiding clam-based foods and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Green Pea Allergy Test

The Green Pea Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool to identify allergic reactions to green peas through methods like skin prick and blood tests or elimination diet with food challenges. Results guide healthcare providers in advising treatment and management for individuals with green pea allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Peanut Allergy Test

A peanut allergy test is used to identify if someone has an allergic reaction to peanuts. It includes methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. These tests are recommended for individuals with suspected peanut allergies or specific symptoms after consuming peanuts. The results help healthcare providers plan management strategies to prevent future allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Scallop Allergy Test

The Scallop Allergy Test is a medical assessment used to diagnose scallop allergies through procedures like skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets to identify the specific allergen causing reactions. Results from the test can inform relevant treatment and management strategies for individuals who are allergic to scallops.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Shellfish Allergy Panel

A shellfish allergy panel includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to shellfish proteins. Results help determine the presence and severity of the allergy for personalized treatment and management.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Spring Allergy Panel

A spring allergy panel is a specific type of allergy test that is designed to identify allergens that are common during the spring season, such as tree pollen, grass pollen, and other outdoor allergens. This test can help identify specific allergens that may be causing allergic symptoms in individuals during the spring months.

Allergy Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Stinging Insect Allergen Panel

A Stinging Insect Allergen Panel is a blood test that checks for allergen-specific IgE antibodies to common stinging insects. It can identify allergies to bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, and fire ants, which may lead to severe reactions like anaphylaxis. The test results aid healthcare providers in determining treatment and management plans for those with insect venom allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test

The Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test is a medical test commonly performed by allergists or healthcare providers to diagnose allergies to Sycamore trees or Maple leaves. This test may include skin prick tests, blood tests (e.g., IgE antibody test), or patch tests to assess if a person's immune system reacts excessively to the proteins in these plants, resulting in allergic reactions like hay fever, asthma, or skin rashes.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab