Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order



Acacia (Mimosa) Tree Allergy Test

An Acacia (Mimosa) Tree Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool for assessing allergic reactions to Acacia tree pollen. By exposing individuals to small amounts of Acacia pollen and observing their responses, healthcare providers can identify symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, and breathing difficulties. This test aids in diagnosing and managing Acacia tree-related allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody (AChR) Test

The Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody (AChR) test is a blood test used to detect antibodies targeting acetylcholine receptors, crucial for muscle movement. In autoimmune disorder myasthenia gravis, the body produces antibodies that attack these receptors, causing muscle weakness and fatigue. The AChR test measures the levels of these antibodies, aiding in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. However, it is used in conjunction with other clinical assessments like a physical exam and other tests. Treatment may involve medications or surgery. If experiencing muscle weakness and fatigue, especially worsening with activity, consulting a healthcare provider for evaluation and potential AChR testing is crucial.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $319.00

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from $319.00Visit Lab

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) Test

The ACTH test measures levels of ACTH in the blood, produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate cortisol production by the adrenal glands for bodily functions. It helps diagnose disorders like Addison's & Cushing's syndrome, and guides treatment by monitoring effectiveness. A blood sample is taken from your arm, sent for analysis to diagnose hormonal imbalances. Follow pre-test instructions, discuss concerns with your healthcare provider before taking the test.

Hormone Testing

from $49.00

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Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) Test

The ACTH test measures the levels of ACTH in the blood, a hormone that prompts the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. It is used for diagnosing adrenal gland disorders like Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome and can monitor treatment effectiveness. Healthcare providers may order this test if they suspect symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, or changes in blood pressure are due to an adrenal gland disorder.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Aldosterone-to-Renin Ratio Test

The aldosterone-to-renin ratio (ARR) test evaluates the balance between aldosterone and renin in the body. It helps diagnose primary hyperaldosteronism by comparing levels of these hormones, indicating adrenal gland issues. The test involves measuring hormone levels from a blood sample to calculate the ARR. It is an initial step, requiring further testing for a confirmed diagnosis, and medical evaluation is recommended if primary hyperaldosteronism is suspected.

Hormone Testing

from $301.00

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from $301.00Visit Lab

Alpha Gal (Mammalian Meat) Allergy Test

The Alpha Gal (Mammalian Meat) Allergy Test is a blood test that detects antibodies specific to the Alpha Gal carbohydrate molecule present in mammalian meat. It helps diagnose allergies to meats like beef, pork, lamb, and venison, which can lead to symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, digestive issues, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

Alpha-Fetoprotein Test, Tumor Marker

The alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test measures AFP levels in the blood, which can indicate liver disease, cancers, and pregnancy complications. In tumors, AFP is a common marker for liver cancer and germ cell tumors. Elevated levels can aid in diagnosing and monitoring these cancers, but other conditions can also cause elevated AFP levels, necessitating further testing for accurate diagnosis.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $44.00

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Alpha-Fetoprotein Test, Tumor Marker

The Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Test measures alpha-fetoprotein levels in blood, produced by the fetal liver. Elevated AFP levels in adults can signal conditions like liver cancer and certain liver diseases. As a tumor marker, the AFP test aids in diagnosing and monitoring liver cancer and testicular cancer, indicating tumor presence, treatment response, and cancer recurrence risk. It may be used with imaging studies to diagnose liver cancer and track treatment progress. While AFP elevation is common in liver cancer, other factors like benign liver conditions, pregnancy, or ovarian/testicular cancer can also raise levels. The AFP test is essential for evaluating and managing cancer and liver diseases, enabling early liver cancer diagnosis, treatment response monitoring, and recurrence risk assessment. Used alongside other tests and imaging, the AFP test guides personalized care for patients with specific cancers and liver conditions.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $44.00

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from $44.00Visit Lab

ALT Liver Test - Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT Test)

The ALT Liver test measures levels of the enzyme ALT in the blood, which indicates liver damage or inflammation. Elevated ALT levels may suggest liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fatty liver disease, caused by factors like medications, toxins, or alcohol. The test is used with other liver function tests for diagnosis and monitoring. However, elevated ALT may also result from muscle injury, strenuous exercise, or medications, requiring consultation with a healthcare provider for interpretation and care.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $29.00

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from $29.00Visit Lab

Alternaria alternata Allergy Test

The Alternaria alternata allergy test is a diagnostic tool used to identify allergies to this mold, commonly found indoors and outdoors. The test usually entails a skin prick or blood test to measure specific antibodies in response to exposure to Alternaria alternata. Healthcare providers utilize allergy testing to discern if symptoms like sneezing, itching, wheezing, or nasal congestion are the result of an allergic reaction to this mold.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Amino Acid Profile (Urine Test)

Amino acid profile urine tests measure levels of amino acids in urine, which are crucial for biological processes. The test is used for evaluating amino acid metabolism disorders like PKU and can aid in diagnosing kidney and liver diseases. Results can provide health information and guide treatment. Follow pre-test instructions carefully.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $299.00

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from $299.00Visit Lab

Ammonia Test

An ammonia test measures the level of ammonia in blood, a waste product from protein breakdown. Normal liver function converts ammonia into urea, excreted in urine. Elevated ammonia levels can indicate liver disease, kidney issues, or genetic disorders. The test is commonly part of metabolic or liver function tests, used to monitor condition treatment or diagnose symptoms. A blood sample is drawn from a vein, with fasting or preparation instructions necessary before the test.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

Amylase Test

The amylase test detects amylase enzyme levels in blood or urine to diagnose pancreas-related conditions like pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. Amylase, produced by the pancreas and salivary glands, aids in carbohydrate digestion. Elevated amylase levels can indicate pancreatic issues. Pancreatitis, an inflamed pancreas, often raises amylase levels, assisting in diagnosis and monitoring. This test also helps evaluate salivary gland, kidney, and gastrointestinal disorders. Monitoring amylase levels supports timely diagnosis, treatment, and management of pancreatic and related disorders, allowing healthcare providers to track treatment progress effectively.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $28.00

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from $28.00Visit Lab

ANA Blood Test (Antinuclear Antibodies)

The ANA blood test, or Antinuclear Antibody test, detects antibodies that target the body's own tissues, potentially indicating autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. While symptoms like joint pain or fatigue prompt its use, a positive result doesn't always mean disease. Further testing and consultation with healthcare providers are necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $59.00

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Anemia Panel - Comprehensive

A Comprehensive Anemia Panel includes additional tests such as iron studies, vitamin B12 and folate levels, reticulocyte count, and peripheral blood smear to determine the underlying cause of anemia, such as iron deficiency, vitamin deficiencies, chronic disease, or hemolytic disorders. This panel provides a more detailed assessment for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Anemia Testing

from $169.00

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from $169.00Visit Lab

Animal Allergy Panel

An animal allergy panel is a comprehensive test used to identify allergies to various animals through skin prick and blood tests. These tests help determine specific animal allergens triggering reactions and guide personalized treatment plans, which may include allergen avoidance, medications, and lifestyle changes. Consulting with an allergist or immunologist is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management of animal allergies, offering guidance on symptom management and improving quality of life around animals.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Apolipoprotein B Test, (Apo-B)

The Apo-B test measures the level of apolipoprotein B in the blood, a protein found on LDL cholesterol particles. Elevated levels are linked to cardiovascular disease risk due to increased LDL particles that can lead to artery plaque. The test is used alongside lipid tests to assess heart disease risk and guide treatment decisions, especially for individuals with family history or risk factors.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $59.00

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Asparagus Allergy Test

An asparagus allergy test helps identify if an individual is allergic to asparagus. This can be done through different methods such as skin prick testing, blood tests, and oral challenges. The test involves exposing the person to asparagus extract to monitor any adverse reactions. If a positive reaction occurs, it indicates an asparagus allergy, prompting avoidance of asparagus consumption.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Aspergillus fumigatus Allergy Test

An Aspergillus fumigatus allergy test is a diagnostic test used to detect allergic reactions to the mold. It involves a skin prick or blood test to check for specific antibodies. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to Aspergillus fumigatus include coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and nasal congestion.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Autoimmune Disorder Panel

The Autoimmune Disorder Panel is a series of blood tests that detect antibodies associated with autoimmune disorders, where the immune system attacks healthy tissues. Tests in the panel identify specific antibodies linked to conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and celiac disease. Results guide diagnosis, treatment decisions, and provide information on disease activity. The panel may also include tests for inflammation markers. Results, combined with medical history and other tests, are used to accurately diagnose and plan treatment. Treatment typically involves medications to suppress the abnormal immune response, manage symptoms, and reduce inflammation.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $98.00

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from $98.00Visit Lab

Autoimmune Disorder Panel

An autoimmune disorder panel consists of blood tests used to diagnose and monitor autoimmune diseases by measuring levels of antibodies and other substances associated with these conditions. Common tests include ANA, RF, anti-DNA antibodies, anti-CCP antibodies, ESR, and CRP tests. These tests are ordered together to assess the immune system comprehensively, aiding in diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

from $98.00

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from $98.00Visit Lab

Barley Allergy Test

A barley allergy test is a medical test to determine if a person is allergic to barley. It involves a skin prick or blood test to measure the levels of specific antibodies produced in response to barley proteins. Symptoms of a barley allergy include hives, itching, swelling, breathing difficulties, and gastrointestinal issues. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important if an allergy is suspected.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)

The Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) is a blood test that evaluates key chemicals like glucose, calcium, electrolytes, and kidney function markers. It is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and electrolyte imbalances. This test is routinely ordered during health check-ups or to evaluate specific medical concerns.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $29.00

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from $29.00Visit Lab

Black Tea Allergy Test

A black tea allergy test is conducted to identify if a person is allergic to black tea through methods such as skin prick tests, blood tests, or eliminating black tea from the diet. Symptoms of black tea allergy may include hives, itching, swelling, gastrointestinal issues, or breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Brazil Nut Allergy Test

A Brazil nut allergy test is a medical test used to diagnose allergic reactions to Brazil nuts. It can be done through skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge, where the person is exposed to Brazil nut protein and observed for symptoms like rashes, itching, or difficulty breathing. The results help determine if someone is allergic and guide treatment and dietary recommendations.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Broccoli Allergy Test

A broccoli allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to broccoli by using skin prick, blood tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a broccoli allergy may include itching, hives, breathing difficulty, or digestive issues. Patients with food allergies should be aware of their triggers and seek medical advice when needed.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Buckwheat Allergy Test

A Buckwheat Allergy Test is a medical procedure used to check for allergic reactions to buckwheat by exposing the individual to small amounts of the food. Positive results indicate an allergic reaction to buckwheat and the need to avoid it in the future.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test

The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test measures levels of a liver-produced protein that increases in response to inflammation. It is used to diagnose and monitor inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, and assess cardiovascular disease risk. Healthcare providers order the test for symptoms of inflammation and to evaluate treatment effectiveness. Interpretation should consider other clinical factors, as elevated CRP levels can be influenced by various factors. Follow-up testing and consultation with a healthcare provider are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning based on CRP test results.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $49.00

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Canary Bird Feathers Allergy Test

A Canary Bird Feathers Allergy Test is a medical assessment to identify allergic reactions to canary bird feathers by exposing individuals to the feathers and monitoring reactions such as itching, sneezing, hives, or difficulty breathing. Diagnosis from this test helps healthcare providers in developing treatment plans for managing allergy symptoms.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cancer Antigen 125 Test

The CA-125 test measures CA-125 protein levels produced by organs like ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the abdomen. Primarily linked to ovarian cancer, elevated CA-125 levels can indicate gynecological conditions. It serves as a tumor marker for ovarian cancer diagnosis and monitoring. While it aids in tracking treatment response and disease progression, elevated CA-125 levels can also be present in noncancerous conditions. Typically used in combination with other tests and imaging, serial CA-125 measurements assist in evaluating and monitoring ovarian cancer and related conditions. Additionally, it's beneficial in assessing diseases affecting the reproductive system. Healthcare providers use the CA-125 test for early detection, personalized treatment, and disease monitoring, particularly in ovarian cancer and gynecological conditions.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $79.00

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from $79.00Visit Lab

Carnitine Test

The carnitine test measures the level of carnitine in the blood, a compound crucial for energy production in cells. Deficiency can lead to health issues like fatigue and heart problems. The test helps diagnose deficiency, monitor treatment effectiveness, and assess risk for conditions like heart disease. A blood sample is taken from the arm, often requiring fasting. Abnormal results may indicate a need for further evaluation and treatment.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Cat Dander Allergy Test

A Cat Dander Allergy Test is used to determine if someone is allergic to proteins found in cats. Various tests like skin prick or blood tests are used to check the immune response to cat dander. A positive result indicates an allergy, leading to symptoms like sneezing, itching, hives, or asthma upon exposure to cat dander.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $59.00

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Cauliflower Allergy Test

If you suspect you may have a cauliflower allergy, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper testing and diagnosis. Allergy testing for cauliflower may include skin prick tests, blood tests, or an elimination diet. These tests can help determine if you have a true allergy to cauliflower and identify any other potential food allergies or sensitivities.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Celiac Disease Antibody Screening Test

The Celiac Disease Antibody Screening Test is a blood test that checks for specific antibodies associated with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption. These antibodies, including tTG, EMA, and DGP, can be elevated in individuals with celiac disease, leading to damage in the small intestine and symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea. The test is used as an initial step in diagnosing cupcake disease and may be followed by further tests like an intestinal biopsy for confirmation. Early detection and proper management of celiac disease are crucial for preventing complications and improving quality of life.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

Cherry Allergy Test

A cherry allergy test is used to diagnose allergic reactions to cherries. The test can involve a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge to detect specific antibodies associated with cherry allergies. If confirmed, healthcare providers advise avoiding cherries and having an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chickpea Allergy Test

A chickpea allergy test is a medical evaluation that uses methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges to measure antibodies or immune responses in the body, helping determine if an individual has an allergic reaction to chickpeas.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chili Pepper Allergy Test

A chili pepper allergy test is conducted to check for allergic reactions to chili peppers through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Symptoms of chili pepper allergies include hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chlamydia Test

Testing for chlamydia usually involves taking a urine sample, swabbing the affected area, or a saliva sample. The collected sample is then analyzed in a laboratory to detect the presence of the chlamydia bacteria. It is important to get tested regularly, especially if you are sexually active or have had unprotected sex. Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection that can often be asymptomatic, so testing is crucial for early detection and treatment. Untreated chlamydia can lead to serious health complications, so prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential.

STD Testing

from $59.00

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Cinnamon Allergy Test

A Cinnamon Allergy Test is conducted to check for an allergic reaction to cinnamon, which can be identified through blood tests, skin prick tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a cinnamon allergy include skin rashes, itching, swelling, and breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Citrus Fruit Allergen Panel

The Citrus Fruit Allergen Panel is a diagnostic test that identifies allergic reactions to the citrus fruits like limes, tangerines, oranges, lemons, and grapefruits by testing for specific allergens in these fruits, including citric acid, limonene, and proteins. It is recommended for individuals with symptoms like itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing after consuming citrus fruits. A positive result doesn't mean an allergy to all citrus fruits; it helps create personalized treatment plans for citrus allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Cladosporium Herbarum Allergy Test

The Cladosporium Herbarum allergy test is a diagnostic tool for identifying allergic reactions to this fungus, which is widespread both indoors and outdoors, causing symptoms in certain individuals. The test commonly employs skin prick or blood testing to gauge antibody levels triggered by exposure to Cladosporium Herbarum, allowing healthcare providers to propose suitable management and treatment strategies for the allergy.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Clam Allergy Test

A clam allergy test is a medical procedure to diagnose an individual's allergic reaction to clams through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Test results assist healthcare providers in recommending treatment strategies, such as avoiding clam-based foods and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cobalt (Urine Test)

The Cobalt urine test measures cobalt levels, essential for blood cell production and nerve function. High levels may indicate toxicity from exposure to chemicals or devices containing cobalt, prompting the test for diagnosis or monitoring.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

Coconut Allergy Test

A coconut allergy test is used to identify allergic reactions to coconut through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Individuals are exposed to coconut protein in small amounts to detect allergic responses like itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential

A CBC with Differential is a standard blood test that offers insights into the composition of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The "differential" aspect of the test focuses on analyzing various types of white blood cells like neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. This comprehensive test aids in the diagnosis of numerous conditions such as infections, anemia, and leukemia.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $28.00

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Crohn's Disease (CD) Test

Diagnosing Crohn's disease involves a thorough evaluation including medical history, physical exam, imaging tests, and laboratory tests. Blood tests can indicate inflammation, while stool tests check for signs of CD. Imaging tests like X-rays and MRI scans visualize the gastrointestinal tract, and endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopy are used to directly examine the digestive tract for abnormalities. Consultation with a gastroenterologist is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and proper management of CD to prevent complications.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $298.00

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Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Test

The DHT test measures levels of dihydrotestosterone in the bloodstream. DHT, synthesized from testosterone, plays a crucial role in male sexual development. The test is used to assess conditions like abnormal hair growth, enlarged prostate, and androgen excess in both males and females, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions such as androgenetic alopecia and hirsutism. Healthcare providers typically order this test, which involves a blood draw from a vein in the arm. Test results inform treatment decisions and monitor hormone therapy effectiveness. Compliance with pre-test instructions and discussing results with the healthcare provider are essential for understanding their health implications.

Hormone Testing

from $189.00

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from $189.00Visit Lab

ESR Test (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

The ESR test measures the rate at which red blood cells settle at the bottom of a tube of blood over a specific period of time. It is a non-specific test that can indicate the presence of inflammation in the body. A higher ESR rate may be caused by conditions such as infections, autoimmune diseases, and certain types of cancer. However, it is important to note that a high ESR rate can also be caused by non-inflammatory conditions, so further testing may be needed to determine the underlying cause.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $49.00

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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test

The FSH test measures levels of follicle-stimulating hormone in the bloodstream, a hormone crucial for reproductive system function. In women, FSH regulates the menstrual cycle and egg development, while in men, it supports sperm production. This test is used to diagnose fertility issues, irregular periods, and puberty problems, as well as to assess fertility treatment outcomes and pituitary gland function. Normal FSH levels vary by age and sex, and abnormal levels could indicate conditions like PCOS or pituitary disorders, with diagnosis made by healthcare providers using test results and medical history.

Hormone Testing

from $49.00

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Garlic Allergy Test

A garlic allergy test is done to find out if someone is allergic to garlic. It can be done through skin prick testing, blood testing, or oral food challenges. If someone shows signs of a garlic allergy, they may need this test to confirm the diagnosis and decide on the right treatment.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Genital Herpes Test

Genital herpes is a common STI caused by the HSV virus, leading to painful sores on the genitals and surrounding areas. Testing is essential for diagnosis, with methods such as blood tests and PCR tests available. It is vital to get tested if experiencing symptoms or engaging in risky sexual behavior. Testing can be done at healthcare providers or sexual health clinics, and early detection and treatment are crucial for symptom management and prevention of transmission.

STD Testing

from $45.00

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from $45.00Visit Lab

Ginger Allergy Test

A ginger allergy test is a medical examination to ascertain if someone has an allergic reaction to ginger. This can be done through skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets with healthcare provider supervision. Allergy symptoms may include itching, hives, swelling, breathing difficulty, and digestive problems. It is crucial for those with suspected ginger allergies to get a proper diagnosis and avoid ginger consumption if needed.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Gluten Allergy Test

A Gluten Allergy Test is a blood test that measures the levels of antibodies that the immune system produces in response to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. This test helps diagnose gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, or wheat allergy. Symptoms of a gluten allergy may include digestive issues, skin rashes, fatigue, and joint pain. A healthcare provider can order this test to determine if gluten is causing an immune response in the body, leading to adverse symptoms. If the test results are positive, the individual may need to follow a gluten-free diet to manage their condition effectively.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $29.00

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Gonorrhea Test

Gonorrhea, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, is an STI necessitating prompt testing for early detection and treatment. The primary testing method is a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) that detects the bacterium's genetic material. Convenient FDA-approved at-home test kits are available, enabling individuals to collect samples themselves and obtain results within days. Symptoms of gonorrhea include painful urination, abnormal discharge, and genital itching, with some infections being asymptomatic. Regular testing is advised for sexually active individuals, especially those with multiple partners. Seeking medical advice if exposure or symptoms are suspected is crucial for timely diagnosis and management to prevent complications and transmission, highlighting the importance of open communication with healthcare providers.

STD Testing

from $59.00

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Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test that detects the presence of IgM antibodies specific to the Hepatitis A virus. IgM antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to a recent infection, so a positive result indicates a current or recent Hepatitis A infection. This test is typically used to diagnose acute Hepatitis A infection or to confirm a suspected case of Hepatitis A.

Hepatitis Testing

from $24.00

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from $24.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test that detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, indicating recent or ongoing infection with the hepatitis B virus. While a positive result suggests acute hepatitis B infection, further testing like the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen test is required for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

Hepatitis Testing

from $24.00

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The hepatitis B core antibody test, IgM, detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, typically within 1-2 weeks of infection. It diagnoses acute or recent hepatitis B and monitors infection progression. A positive result indicates an active infection; however, additional tests, like the hepatitis B surface antigen test, are needed for confirmation. If concerned, consult a healthcare provider for testing and vaccination to prevent serious complications.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $24.00

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antibody test is a blood test used to detect exposure to the Hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates past exposure, but further testing is required to confirm current infection status. Not everyone exposed to HCV develops chronic infection, and early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent severe liver damage. Regular testing is recommended for at-risk individuals, like intravenous drug users and healthcare workers, to improve outcomes with available treatment options.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $24.00

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Herpes Type 1 Test (HSV-1)

The HSV-1 test detects antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 1 which is responsible for oral herpes. The test helps confirm oral herpes diagnosis or past exposure. Results are typically available within a few days, showing past virus exposure if positive. Treatment may involve antiviral medication to manage symptoms and outbreaks. Consult a healthcare provider if oral herpes is suspected.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $45.00

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Immunoglobulin A IgA Test

The IgA test measures IgA antibodies in the blood, important for immune defense. It helps diagnose IgA deficiency and related disorders, autoimmune diseases, allergies, and infections. Low levels can increase infection risk, while high levels may indicate autoimmune disorders or cancers. Often included in immune system evaluations, the IgA test guides diagnosis and management of health conditions, with results to be interpreted by a healthcare provider.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $45.00

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from $45.00Visit Lab

Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) Test

The Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) test evaluates iron levels and transferrin's ability to transport iron in the blood, aiding in detecting iron deficiencies or excess, and conditions like anemia or hemochromatosis. Iron is crucial for red blood cell formation and bodily functions.

Anemia Testing

from $29.00

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Lactose Tolerance Test

A lactose tolerance test is used to diagnose lactose intolerance by measuring an individual's ability to digest lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. The test involves fasting overnight, drinking a lactose solution, and measuring blood glucose levels. If the individual can digest lactose, their blood glucose levels rise, but if they are intolerant, levels may not increase. Additional testing may be required for confirmation, and consulting a healthcare provider is recommended for guidance.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Lyme Disease Antibodies Test

The Lyme disease antibodies test, or serology test, detects Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in the blood. It's ordered for those with suspected tick exposure, manifesting symptoms like fever, fatigue, joint pain, and erythema migrans. The test looks for IgM (early infection) and IgG (later infection) antibodies. False results are possible. A positive test may prompt further confirmation testing. Treatment involves antibiotics, with early detection crucial to prevent complications. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect Lyme disease exposure.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $159.00

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Magnesium (Urine Test)

The Magnesium, Urine Test is a diagnostic tool that assesses magnesium levels in urine, an essential mineral vital for bodily functions like muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, and bone health. Variations in magnesium levels in urine may signal medical conditions or deficiencies, such as kidney disease, malabsorption issues, or electrolyte imbalances, helping healthcare providers with early diagnosis and monitoring of these health concerns.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

from $76.00

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Methylmalonic Acid Blood Test

A methylmalonic acid blood test is used to measure levels of methylmalonic acid, which can indicate a deficiency in vitamin B12 or a metabolic disorder. The test helps diagnose and monitor vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause symptoms like fatigue and numbness. It is crucial to follow pre-test instructions as diet and medications can affect results, which are typically reported numerically.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $99.00

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Mono Test (Mononucleosis)

The mono test, also known as the mononucleosis test, is used to diagnose infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Symptoms include fatigue, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and enlarged spleen. While the test is not always needed for diagnosis, it detects antibodies produced in response to the virus. Treatment involves rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $49.00

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Nut Allergy Panel

The nut allergy panel consists of tests to diagnose allergies to the nuts: almonds, cashews, coconuts, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, and peanuts. It includes skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges to determine the presence and severity of the allergy. Identifying specific triggers can help develop a treatment plan, including avoidance strategies and emergency response measures. Consulting with an allergist is important for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $249.00

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Onion Allergy Test

If you suspect you have an onion allergy, it is crucial to seek medical attention for proper testing and diagnosis. A healthcare provider may suggest an allergy test like a skin prick or blood test to confirm the allergy. After diagnosis, your healthcare provider can help you manage the allergy by avoiding onion products and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Oral Herpes Test

Oral herpes, commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters, is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and is easily spread through close contact like kissing or sharing utensils. Symptoms include pain, tingling, and blisters on the lips or inside the mouth. Diagnosis involves a physical exam and possibly lab tests. While there is no cure, antiviral medications can help manage symptoms and promote healing. Seeking medical advice, practicing good hygiene, and using protection during sexual activity are important steps to prevent the spread of the virus.

STD Testing

from $45.00

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Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Test

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) test is a blood test that measures PTH levels, which play a crucial role in regulating calcium in the body. The test is used to diagnose conditions such as hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. Healthcare providers may order a PTH test alongside other tests to make a diagnosis and guide treatment decisions. Following instructions before the test is important.

Thyroid Tests

from $79.00

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Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

The PSA test measures levels of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, indicating various prostate conditions like cancer, BPH, and prostatitis. Mainly used for prostate cancer screening, elevated PSA levels may signal the need for further tests like a biopsy. The test also aids in monitoring prostate cancer patients for disease progression. While high PSA levels can suggest cancer, factors like BPH or prostatitis can also raise levels, requiring additional assessments for accurate diagnosis. The PSA test is vital for early prostate cancer detection and management. Healthcare providers rely on the PSA test to assess prostate health, guide cancer screening, monitor disease development, and tailor treatment plans.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $49.00

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Test - Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that causes joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and stiffness. The Rheumatoid Factor (RF) test is a blood test that detects antibodies in response to inflammation, often associated with RA, but can also be found in other conditions. A positive RF test doesn't always mean RA, and not all RA cases show positive results. It is one of several tests used for diagnosis, alongside anti-CCP test and imaging studies. Clinical evaluation by a healthcare provider is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. Early detection and treatment of RA help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. If you suspect RA symptoms, seek medical evaluation for appropriate management.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $99.00

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Rice Allergy Test

A rice allergy test is a diagnostic procedure to detect if someone has an allergic reaction to rice. It usually includes a skin prick or blood test to identify specific antibodies to rice proteins. Additionally, a food challenge test may be conducted with medical supervision to confirm the diagnosis. This test helps pinpoint the allergen causing symptoms like hives, itching, or swelling after consuming rice.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Seminal Fluid Allergy Test

A seminal fluid allergy test, also called seminal plasma hypersensitivity test, diagnoses allergies to proteins in semen, leading to symptoms like itching and swelling in the genital area. The test involves applying a sample of the person's own semen to the skin for signs of allergic reaction. Treatment may include avoiding semen exposure, using barriers during sex, and desensitization therapy. Consultation with specialists like allergists is advised for diagnosis and management.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Shellfish Allergy Panel

A shellfish allergy panel includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to shellfish proteins. Results help determine the presence and severity of the allergy for personalized treatment and management.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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Soybean Allergy Test

A soybean allergy test is a medical procedure to detect allergic reactions to soybeans. It can be done through methods like skin prick tests or blood tests. Symptoms of a soybean allergy include hives, itching, swelling, digestive problems, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. Proper testing is crucial for diagnosis and developing an effective treatment plan.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Standard Heart Health Panel

A Standard Heart Health Panel is a series of tests designed to assess key factors related to cardiovascular health and heart function. The panel helps healthcare providers evaluate an individual's risk of heart disease, monitor cardiac health, and determine appropriate treatment plans. Common components include tests for cholesterol levels, lipid profile, cardiac enzymes like troponin, electrolytes, blood pressure, blood glucose, C-reactive protein (CRP), and thyroid function. These tests provide a comprehensive evaluation of cardiovascular health, aiding in risk identification, heart disease diagnosis, and personalized care. They are essential for preventive care, early heart disease detection, and overall cardiovascular well-being.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $229.00

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Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test

The Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test is a medical test commonly performed by allergists or healthcare providers to diagnose allergies to Sycamore trees or Maple leaves. This test may include skin prick tests, blood tests (e.g., IgE antibody test), or patch tests to assess if a person's immune system reacts excessively to the proteins in these plants, resulting in allergic reactions like hay fever, asthma, or skin rashes.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Syphilis Test

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, highlighting its transmission through sexual contact and the potential serious health complications if untreated. It discusses the importance of syphilis testing, mentioning different types of tests available for diagnosis, including blood tests, swab tests of sores, and spinal fluid tests. It emphasizes the need for regular testing, especially for those engaging in high-risk behaviors, and stresses the significance of early detection and treatment to prevent long-term complications and reduce transmission. It also encourages seeking medical care promptly if exposed to syphilis or experiencing symptoms, as syphilis is a curable infection.

STD Testing

from $49.00

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Tapeworm (Echinococcus) IgG Test

The Tapeworm (Echinococcus) IgG test detects antibodies produced in response to the Echinococcus tapeworm infection. Ingesting tapeworm eggs can lead to cyst formation in organs like the liver and lungs. The test measures Echinococcus-specific IgG levels in the blood, indicating current or past infection. It aids in diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and complication risk assessment. If exposure or symptoms are suspected, consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and testing.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $79.00

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Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies Test

The TPO antibodies test measures antibodies targeting the thyroid peroxidase enzyme, crucial for thyroid hormone production. High TPO antibody levels suggest autoimmune thyroid diseases like Hashimoto's or Graves' disease. The test aids in diagnosing thyroid disorders, monitoring treatment effectiveness, and assessing disease risks. Elevated antibody levels indicate immune system attack on the thyroid, necessitating hormone therapy or immune response suppression. Discussion with a healthcare provider is vital for interpreting test results, planning treatment, and considering additional tests for diagnosis confirmation.

Thyroid Tests

from $79.00

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Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) Test

The Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) test measures thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins in the blood, which can lead to Graves' disease. Elevated TSI levels are common in Graves' disease and can aid in diagnosis and monitoring. The test helps differentiate Graves' disease from other thyroid disorders and is used for individuals showing hyperthyroidism symptoms. Results are numerical, with higher levels indicating a greater chance of Graves' disease. Healthcare providers interpret results to guide treatment decisions for Graves' disease management.

Thyroid Tests

from $119.00

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Total T4 (Thyroxine) Test

The Total T4 test measures the amount of thyroxine in the blood, a hormone crucial for metabolism and energy regulation. Abnormal levels can signal thyroid issues like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and are often used alongside other tests for diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid conditions.

Thyroid Tests

from $49.00

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Troponin Cardiac Test

A troponin cardiac test measures troponin levels in the blood, a protein released during heart muscle damage like a heart attack. Elevated levels can signal a recent heart attack or cardiac problems, often used with other tests for diagnosis and monitoring heart conditions.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $149.00

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Tuberculosis (TB) Gold Blood Test

The Tuberculosis Gold Blood Test, also known as IGRA, is a blood test that detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body, aiding in the diagnosis of TB infections. It is more specific than the tuberculin skin test and measures the immune response by detecting interferon-gamma release. Recommended for high-risk individuals, the test helps in appropriate treatment and management of TB infections.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $199.00

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Tuberculosis (TB) Gold Blood Test

The Tuberculosis Gold Blood Test, also known as IGRA, is a blood test that detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body, aiding in the diagnosis of TB infections. It is more specific than the tuberculin skin test and measures the immune response by detecting interferon-gamma release. Recommended for high-risk individuals, the test helps in appropriate treatment and management of TB infections.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $199.00

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Ulcerative Colitis (UC) Test

Various tests can diagnose and monitor ulcerative colitis, such as blood tests to check for inflammation or infection, stool sample analysis for abnormalities, colonoscopy to examine the colon lining, imaging tests for detailed visualization, sigmoidoscopy for lower colon examination, endoscopy for upper GI tract evaluation, and fecal calprotectin test for inflammation detection.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $298.00

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UTI Test

A UTI test, also known as a urine culture or urinalysis, is used to diagnose urinary tract infections by analyzing a urine sample for bacteria and white blood cells. This test helps healthcare providers determine the appropriate treatment for UTIs, which can cause symptoms like frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, cloudy or bloody urine, and a strong urge to urinate. If you suspect a UTI, seek medical help for proper diagnosis and treatment.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $39.00

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Whey Allergy Test

A whey allergy test is used to diagnose an allergy to whey protein found in dairy products. The test measures IgE antibodies in the blood or by a skin prick test. A positive result indicates an allergy, leading to symptoms like hives or difficulty breathing. Management includes avoiding whey-containing products and following a dairy-free diet with guidance from a healthcare professional.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Zika Virus Test

The Zika virus test is a diagnostic tool used to identify the presence of the Zika virus in an individual's system. The test commonly utilized for this purpose includes both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological tests. PCR tests detect the virus's genetic material in blood or urine samples, while serological tests identify antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the Zika virus. Testing for the Zika virus is recommended for those displaying symptoms, individuals who have visited areas with ongoing transmission, or those who have had contact with infected individuals. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial for proper treatment and prevention of further transmission.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $715.00

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