Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order


Blood test

Amino Acid Profile (Blood Test)

Amino acids are essential for various physiological processes in the body and serve as the building blocks of proteins. An amino acid profile blood test measures the levels of different amino acids in your bloodstream to evaluate your protein metabolism and nutritional status. This test may be ordered if you exhibit symptoms of protein deficiency, malnutrition, or metabolic disorders affecting amino acid metabolism. Analyzing a blood sample can identify deficiencies or imbalances in amino acid levels and help guide treatment decisions. Abnormal test results could indicate conditions like protein malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disorders, metabolic issues, or genetic conditions impacting amino acid metabolism. It's crucial to adhere to pre-test instructions, such as fasting or avoiding certain medications, before undergoing the test.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

158 4.7

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

ANA Blood Test (Antinuclear Antibodies)

The ANA blood test, or Antinuclear Antibody test, detects antibodies that target the body's own tissues, potentially indicating autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. While symptoms like joint pain or fatigue prompt its use, a positive result doesn't always mean disease. Further testing and consultation with healthcare providers are necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

141 4.9

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Arsenic Blood Test

An arsenic blood test is a lab procedure that assesses the presence of arsenic in blood. Arsenic, a harmful heavy metal, can lead to severe health problems if consumed or inhaled excessively. This examination aids in identifying arsenic poisoning and tracking exposure in individuals at risk, like workers in arsenic-using industries or residents in areas with elevated arsenic levels.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

111 4.7

from $78.00

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from $78.00Visit Lab

C-Peptide (Blood Test)

A C-peptide blood test measures the level of C-peptide in the blood, which is produced when insulin is made in the pancreas. The test helps evaluate insulin production, distinguish between types of diabetes, monitor insulin therapy, and detect insulinoma. The test requires a blood sample and results can be influenced by factors like diet and medication. It's important to follow healthcare provider instructions before taking the test.

Diabetes Testing

124 4.74

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

Calcium (Blood Test)

A calcium blood test measures calcium levels in the blood. Normal levels are between 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL, and abnormal levels can signal health conditions like kidney disease or thyroid disorders. A healthcare provider may order the test if symptoms of high or low calcium levels are present, as part of routine screening, or to monitor treatment effectiveness. Patients should follow pre-test instructions, and results can guide further testing or treatment decisions.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

105 4.97

from $29.00

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from $29.00Visit Lab

Chromium (Blood Test)

A chromium blood test measures the level of chromium in the blood, a mineral critical for regulating blood sugar levels and metabolism. The test is used to detect chromium deficiency or toxicity which can be linked to conditions like diabetes, malnutrition, or exposure to high environmental chromium levels, indicating a potential health problem that may need treatment.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

159 4.72

from $108.00

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from $108.00Visit Lab

Cobalt (Blood Test)

The cobalt blood test measures cobalt levels in the blood, which is naturally present and used in industry. High cobalt levels can indicate poisoning from exposure to cobalt materials. The test is useful for monitoring patients with metal-on-metal hip implants, as their breakdown can release cobalt into the bloodstream.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

96 4.69

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

Copper (Blood Test)

A copper blood tests measures the amount of copper in the blood. Copper is essential for red blood cell formation, connective tissues, and iron absorption. The test can detect abnormal levels of copper, indicating conditions like Wilson's disease. During the test, a blood sample is drawn and sent to a lab for analysis. Abnormal results may require further testing and treatment.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

222 4.87

from $62.00

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from $62.00Visit Lab

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Blood Test

The Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) blood test measures GGT levels, primarily found in the liver, to detect liver damage/disease like hepatitis or cirrhosis. This test aids in diagnosing liver conditions and monitoring alcohol consumption to prevent increased GGT levels. Preparation involves fasting and following healthcare provider's instructions. Elevated GGT levels may require further testing for proper treatment, underscoring the need for discussion with a healthcare provider for appropriate management.

Kidney and Liver Tests

110 4.98

from $25.00

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from $25.00Visit Lab

Lead (Blood Test / Adult)

The lead, blood test for adults measures lead levels in the blood, a toxic metal that can harm the nervous system, kidneys, and reproductive organs. The test involves taking a blood sample and sending it to a lab for analysis, and is recommended for those exposed to lead.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

249 4.92

from $48.00

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from $48.00Visit Lab

Lithium (Blood Test)

A blood test to monitor lithium levels is essential for patients taking lithium to treat bipolar disorder and other psychiatric conditions. The test involves drawing a blood sample, typically from a vein in the arm, and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. Following healthcare provider instructions, such as fasting before the test, is crucial. Symptoms of lithium toxicity should be reported immediately. Regular blood tests help ensure that patients are receiving the right dose of lithium for safe and effective treatment.

Drug Testing

233 4.88

from $45.00

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from $45.00Visit Lab

Manganese (Blood Test)

Manganese blood test is a diagnostic tool measuring manganese levels. Manganese is crucial for physiological processes like metabolism and brain function. Abnormal levels hint at deficiency or toxicity impacting health. The test helps diagnose and manage manganese-related conditions.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

190 4.67

from $229.00

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from $229.00Visit Lab

Mercury (Blood Test)

The Mercury Blood Test measures mercury levels in blood to detect if there is mercury poisoning. Elevated levels often indicate exposure to contaminated fish or other sources of mercury. Healthcare providers order this test if mercury exposure is suspected or if symptoms of poisoning are present.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

170 4.89

from $98.00

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from $98.00Visit Lab

Methylmalonic Acid Blood Test

A methylmalonic acid blood test is used to measure levels of methylmalonic acid, which can indicate a deficiency in vitamin B12 or a metabolic disorder. The test helps diagnose and monitor vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause symptoms like fatigue and numbness. It is crucial to follow pre-test instructions as diet and medications can affect results, which are typically reported numerically.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

138 4.95

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

MMA Fighter Blood Test: HIV, Hepatitis B&C

MMA fighters must undergo blood tests for HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C before competing to ensure the safety of all participants and spectators. These viruses can be transmitted through blood and pose serious health risks. Regular testing and precautions are necessary to prevent the spread of infections and maintain the well-being of fighters, opponents, and the MMA community.

Sports Testing

96 4.82

from $79.00

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from $79.00Visit Lab

Selenium (Blood Test)

A Selenium blood test measures selenium levels in the blood, which is essential for overall body function. It acts as an antioxidant, protects cells from damage, and supports thyroid function and the immune system. Healthcare providers order this test to assess selenium levels, as abnormalities can indicate deficiency or excess, leading to various health issues. Deficiency can cause symptoms like fatigue and weakened immunity, while excess can result in toxicity symptoms such as hair loss and nausea.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

141 4.75

from $179.00

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from $179.00Visit Lab

Standard Heavy Metals Profile (Blood Test)

The standard heavy metals profile blood test measures levels of toxic heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and thallium in the blood. Elevated levels indicate exposure to environmental toxins or contaminated substances, leading to symptoms like fatigue, headaches, cognitive issues, and muscle weakness. The test is recommended for those with exposure or symptoms and can help monitor treatment for heavy metal poisoning. It involves a simple blood draw and results are usually available within a few days. Treatment may include removing the source of exposure, chelation therapy, and nutritional support for repairing any damage from toxicity.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

123 4.82

from $198.00

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from $198.00Visit Lab

Tuberculosis (TB) Gold Blood Test

The Tuberculosis Gold Blood Test, also known as IGRA, is a blood test that detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body, aiding in the diagnosis of TB infections. It is more specific than the tuberculin skin test and measures the immune response by detecting interferon-gamma release. Recommended for high-risk individuals, the test helps in appropriate treatment and management of TB infections.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

188 4.96

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Tuberculosis (TB) Gold Blood Test

The Tuberculosis Gold Blood Test, also known as IGRA, is a blood test that detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body, aiding in the diagnosis of TB infections. It is more specific than the tuberculin skin test and measures the immune response by detecting interferon-gamma release. Recommended for high-risk individuals, the test helps in appropriate treatment and management of TB infections.

Infectious Disease Testing

254 4.67

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy (Calcidiol) Blood Test

The vitamin D 25-hydroxy blood test measures your vitamin D levels, crucial for bone health, immune function, and cell growth. Low levels can lead to osteoporosis and weakened immunity, while high levels can cause toxicity. The test is ordered if there are concerns about deficiency or toxicity, performed during check-ups or when experiencing bone pain or fatigue. It measures 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels in blood, reported in ng/mL or nmol/L.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

178 4.97

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Zinc (Blood Test)

Zinc blood tests measure zinc levels, highlighting its importance for growth, immunity, and wound healing. Low zinc levels can cause symptoms like slow wound healing and poor immunity, while high levels can lead to nausea and vomiting. The test helps diagnose zinc deficiencies or excess, is done by extracting a blood sample, and results are available within days. Following test provider instructions, such as fasting before the test, is crucial for accurate results and subsequent treatment or further testing recommendations.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

143 4.71

from $38.00

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from $38.00Visit Lab

Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody (AChR) Test

The Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Antibody (AChR) test is a blood test used to detect antibodies targeting acetylcholine receptors, crucial for muscle movement. In autoimmune disorder myasthenia gravis, the body produces antibodies that attack these receptors, causing muscle weakness and fatigue. The AChR test measures the levels of these antibodies, aiding in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. However, it is used in conjunction with other clinical assessments like a physical exam and other tests. Treatment may involve medications or surgery. If experiencing muscle weakness and fatigue, especially worsening with activity, consulting a healthcare provider for evaluation and potential AChR testing is crucial.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $319.00

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from $319.00Visit Lab

Acremonium Kiliense Allergy Test

Acremonium kilense is a type of mold known to trigger allergies. Allergy tests for this mold, such as skin prick tests or blood tests, can determine if someone is allergic to it. A positive result means the individual may experience symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and skin rashes when exposed to Acremonium kilense.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Aldosterone-to-Renin Ratio Test

The aldosterone-to-renin ratio test measures the levels of aldosterone and renin in the blood and calculates the ratio between the two. It is used to diagnose conditions like primary aldosteronism, where excess aldosterone production leads to high blood pressure and low potassium levels. A high ratio may indicate this condition, and treatment options include medications or surgery. Healthcare providers interpret the results alongside other clinical findings and tests.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $301.00

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from $301.00Visit Lab

Almond Allergy Test

An almond allergy test is a medical evaluation that determines if someone is allergic to almonds. It can be done through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges, where the individual is exposed to almond protein to monitor for symptoms like itching or difficulty breathing. If an allergic reaction occurs, it's crucial to avoid almonds to prevent a severe reaction.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Alpha Gal (Mammalian Meat) Allergy Test

The Alpha Gal (Mammalian Meat) Allergy Test is a blood test that detects antibodies specific to the Alpha Gal carbohydrate molecule present in mammalian meat. It helps diagnose allergies to meats like beef, pork, lamb, and venison, which can lead to symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, digestive issues, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

ALT Liver Test - Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT Test)

The ALT Liver test measures levels of the enzyme ALT in the blood, which indicates liver damage or inflammation. Elevated ALT levels may suggest liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fatty liver disease, caused by factors like medications, toxins, or alcohol. The test is used with other liver function tests for diagnosis and monitoring. However, elevated ALT may also result from muscle injury, strenuous exercise, or medications, requiring consultation with a healthcare provider for interpretation and care.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $29.00

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from $29.00Visit Lab

Alternaria alternata Allergy Test

The Alternaria alternata allergy test is a diagnostic tool used to identify allergies to this mold, commonly found indoors and outdoors. The test usually entails a skin prick or blood test to measure specific antibodies in response to exposure to Alternaria alternata. Healthcare providers utilize allergy testing to discern if symptoms like sneezing, itching, wheezing, or nasal congestion are the result of an allergic reaction to this mold.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

American Dust Mite (Dermatophagoides farinae) Allergy Test

The American Dust Mite (Dermatophagoides farinae) Allergy Test is used to identify allergic reactions to dust mites, common household insects triggering allergies. It includes a blood sample or skin prick test to measure specific antibodies levels in response to dust mite allergens. Results guide healthcare providers in developing treatment plans for dust mite allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Ammonia Test

An ammonia test measures the level of ammonia in blood, a waste product from protein breakdown. Normal liver function converts ammonia into urea, excreted in urine. Elevated ammonia levels can indicate liver disease, kidney issues, or genetic disorders. The test is commonly part of metabolic or liver function tests, used to monitor condition treatment or diagnose symptoms. A blood sample is drawn from a vein, with fasting or preparation instructions necessary before the test.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $99.00

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Amphetamine Screen, Blood

The amphetamine screen, blood test can detect amphetamine and related substances in the bloodstream to confirm abuse, monitor treatment, or assess drug toxicity. The test involves a blood sample and may only show recent drug use. False positives can occur due to certain medications. For more information, consult a healthcare provider or drug testing professional.

Drug Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Anemia Panel - Basic

A basic anemia panel is a diagnostic test that assesses various components of blood to determine if an individual has anemia, characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin. The panel includes tests on red blood cell numbers, size, and shape, as well as hemoglobin levels and other blood markers. Key tests include a complete blood count (CBC) to measure various blood cell levels and a reticulocyte count to assess bone marrow's response to anemia. Measurements of iron, ferritin, and total iron-binding capacity evaluate iron levels, while tests for vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies may also be included.

Anemia Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Animal Allergy Panel

An animal allergy panel is a comprehensive test used to identify allergies to various animals through skin prick and blood tests. These tests help determine specific animal allergens triggering reactions and guide personalized treatment plans, which may include allergen avoidance, medications, and lifestyle changes. Consulting with an allergist or immunologist is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management of animal allergies, offering guidance on symptom management and improving quality of life around animals.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test

The AMH test is a blood test that measures the level of the hormone AMH, produced by the ovaries, serving as a marker of ovarian reserve. It is commonly used to assess fertility potential, predict response to fertility treatments like IVF, and detect ovarian aging. A high AMH level suggests good ovarian reserve, while a low level may indicate reduced reserve. This test can be conducted at any point in the menstrual cycle without fasting and is usually ordered by fertility specialists or endocrinologists.

Hormone Testing

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

Apolipoprotein B Test, (Apo-B)

The Apo-B test measures the level of apolipoprotein B in the blood, a protein found on LDL cholesterol particles. Elevated levels are linked to cardiovascular disease risk due to increased LDL particles that can lead to artery plaque. The test is used alongside lipid tests to assess heart disease risk and guide treatment decisions, especially for individuals with family history or risk factors.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Apple Allergy Test

An apple allergy test aims to identify allergies to apples in individuals. Tests involve skin pricks or blood tests to measure specific antibody levels in response to apple proteins. If an allergy is confirmed, avoidance of apples and prescription medications may be recommended for symptom management.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Apricot Allergy Test

An apricot allergy test is a medical procedure used to check for allergic reactions to apricots through methods like skin prick testing, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Symptoms of such allergies may include itching, swelling, hives, abdominal pain, vomiting, or difficulty breathing. It is important to seek guidance from a healthcare professional for management of apricot allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Asparagus Allergy Test

An asparagus allergy test helps identify if an individual is allergic to asparagus. This can be done through different methods such as skin prick testing, blood tests, and oral challenges. The test involves exposing the person to asparagus extract to monitor any adverse reactions. If a positive reaction occurs, it indicates an asparagus allergy, prompting avoidance of asparagus consumption.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Aspergillus fumigatus Allergy Test

An Aspergillus fumigatus allergy test is a diagnostic test used to detect allergic reactions to the mold. It involves a skin prick or blood test to check for specific antibodies. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to Aspergillus fumigatus include coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and nasal congestion.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Aspergillus niger Allergy Test

An Aspergillus niger allergy test is performed to identify allergic reactions to the mold. Testing methods include skin prick tests, blood tests for specific antibodies, and patch tests. Symptoms of this allergy can include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and nasal congestion. Treatment often involves avoiding exposure to the mold and using medications to manage symptoms.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Aureobasidium pullulans Allergy Test

The Aureobasidium pullulans allergy test is used to measure specific antibodies in response to exposure to the yeast. This test helps identify allergies in individuals with symptoms when exposed to this fungus, guiding healthcare providers in treatment.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Autoimmune Disorder Panel

The Autoimmune Disorder Panel is a series of blood tests that detect antibodies associated with autoimmune disorders, where the immune system attacks healthy tissues. Tests in the panel identify specific antibodies linked to conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and celiac disease. Results guide diagnosis, treatment decisions, and provide information on disease activity. The panel may also include tests for inflammation markers. Results, combined with medical history and other tests, are used to accurately diagnose and plan treatment. Treatment typically involves medications to suppress the abnormal immune response, manage symptoms, and reduce inflammation.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $98.00

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from $98.00Visit Lab

Autoimmune Disorder Panel

An autoimmune disorder panel consists of blood tests used to diagnose and monitor autoimmune diseases by measuring levels of antibodies and other substances associated with these conditions. Common tests include ANA, RF, anti-DNA antibodies, anti-CCP antibodies, ESR, and CRP tests. These tests are ordered together to assess the immune system comprehensively, aiding in diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

from $98.00

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from $98.00Visit Lab

Avocado Allergy Test

An avocado allergy test is a medical examination conducted by healthcare providers to identify allergic reactions to avocados. Various methods like physical assessment, symptom review, skin prick test, blood test for antibodies, and food challenges are used to diagnose avocado allergies. If diagnosed, patients are typically advised to avoid avocados and carry an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Banana Allergy Test

A banana allergy test is a medical procedure utilized to diagnose banana allergies. Types of tests available include skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges that measure specific antibodies in relation to allergic reactions. Upon identifying a banana allergy, doctors are able to offer suitable treatment options and guidance on managing the allergy, which may include avoiding bananas and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Barbiturates Screen, Blood

A barbiturates screen blood test detects the presence of barbiturates, which are CNS depressant drugs used for sedation and anaesthesia. The test can diagnose overdose, monitor therapy in patients, and detect drug abuse in forensic settings.

Drug Testing

from $389.00

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from $389.00Visit Lab

Barley Allergy Test

A barley allergy test is a medical test to determine if a person is allergic to barley. It involves a skin prick or blood test to measure the levels of specific antibodies produced in response to barley proteins. Symptoms of a barley allergy include hives, itching, swelling, breathing difficulties, and gastrointestinal issues. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important if an allergy is suspected.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Basic Female Hormone Panel

The Basic Female Hormone Panel is a comprehensive test that measures the levels of several key hormones in a woman's body, including estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, and free testosterone. The test helps evaluate reproductive health, identify potential hormonal imbalances, and monitor treatment response. It can diagnose conditions such as PCOS, premature ovarian failure, and thyroid disorders.

Hormone Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Basic Food Allergy Panel

A basic food allergy panel typically tests for allergies to common foods such as milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. It involves a blood test to measure levels of specific antibodies that the body produces in response to these foods. This panel can help identify potential food allergies and guide dietary restrictions to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $160.00

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from $160.00Visit Lab

Basic Heart Health Panel

A Basic Heart Health Panel Blood Test assesses key markers related to cardiovascular function, identifying risk factors for heart disease and evaluating cardiac health. Common components include tests for cholesterol levels (LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides), lipid profile, C-reactive protein (CRP) for inflammation, fasting blood glucose, and hemoglobin A1c for average blood sugar levels. This panel helps healthcare providers evaluate cardiovascular risk, create personalized treatment plans, and monitor heart health over time.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $149.00

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from $149.00Visit Lab

Basic Male Hormone Panel

A Basic Male Hormone Panel is a blood test that measures levels of key hormones impacting men's health. It includes tests for testosterone, LH, FSH, and estradiol. Testosterone is crucial for male reproductive tissues, muscle mass, and bone density. Low levels can cause fatigue, low libido, and muscle loss. LH and FSH regulate testosterone production. High estradiol levels may indicate health issues. This panel is used to diagnose hypogonadism, infertility, and monitor hormone levels in treatments.

Hormone Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)

The Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) is a blood test that evaluates key chemicals like glucose, calcium, electrolytes, and kidney function markers. It is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and electrolyte imbalances. This test is routinely ordered during health check-ups or to evaluate specific medical concerns.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $29.00

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from $29.00Visit Lab

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)

A Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) is a blood test that evaluates the levels of various chemicals in the blood to assess organ function and detect medical conditions. It typically includes measurements of glucose, calcium, electrolytes, kidney function indicators like blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, and sometimes liver function indicators such as total protein and albumin.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $29.00

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from $29.00Visit Lab

Basil Allergy Test

A Basil allergy test is conducted to determine if a person is allergic to the herb Basil. Tests include skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge to check the immune system's reaction to Basil allergens. Symptoms of a Basil allergy may include itching, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Treatment involves avoiding Basil and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector in case of severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Beef Allergy Test

A beef allergy test is a diagnostic procedure to check for allergic reactions to beef proteins. The test, commonly done through skin prick or blood tests, evaluates the body's immune response to beef. Allergic reactions to beef can manifest in various symptoms like hives, swelling, breathing difficulties, and digestive problems. Early identification of a beef allergy through testing allows individuals to prevent severe reactions and adjust their dietary choices.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Benzodiazepine Screen, Blood

A benzodiazepine screen is a blood test used to detect benzodiazepines, medications commonly used for anxiety and insomnia which can also be abused. The test helps confirm medication use or abuse, monitor treatment compliance, and detect overdose risk. It identifies drugs like Xanax, Valium, and others to guide healthcare decisions.

Drug Testing

from $49.00

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Berry Fruit Allergen Panel

The Berry Fruit Allergen Panel is a test that assesses a person's sensitivity to the specific fruits: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and avocados. It can involve skin prick testing, blood testing, or oral food challenges to determine any allergies. Identifying these allergens can help healthcare providers assist patients in managing their allergies and reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Beta-hCG Test

The Beta-hCG test measures human chorionic gonadotropin levels in blood or urine, helping detect and monitor pregnancy. Often called the pregnancy hormone, hCG levels rise rapidly in early pregnancy, confirming pregnancy and tracking fetal health. The test also aids in diagnosing conditions like trophoblastic disease and certain cancers based on hCG levels. In pregnancy, it assesses gestational age and can identify complications like ectopic pregnancy. Used across clinical settings, the Beta-hCG test provides essential information for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment in obstetric and non-obstetric care.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Beta-Lactoglobulin Allergy Test

A Beta-Lactoglobulin Allergy Test is a blood test that checks for antibodies produced in response to a protein found in cow's milk and dairy products. It is used to diagnose allergies to these foods in patients who suspect they may be allergic.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Birch (Common Silver) Tree Allergy Test

A Birch (Common Silver) Tree Allergy Test helps determine if someone has an allergic reaction to Birch tree pollen or sap. The test includes a skin prick test or blood tests looking for specific antibodies. Allergic individuals may experience symptoms like sneezing, itching, hives, or respiratory problems. Treatments may involve avoiding Birch exposure, using antihistamines, or receiving allergy shots.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Black Mold (Stachybotrys Chartarum) Allergy Test

A Black Mold (Stachybotrys Chartarum) Allergy Test is a medical evaluation to ascertain whether an individual has an allergy to black mold. It can include blood samples or skin prick tests to measure IgE antibodies. Healthcare providers also consider symptoms and medical history for diagnosing black mold allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Black Mold Exposure Test (IgG)

The Black Mold Exposure Test (IgG) is a blood test that assesses the levels of IgG antibodies in response to black mold exposure. Elevated IgG levels can signify recent or continuous exposure to black mold, leading to health concerns like respiratory problems and skin irritation. This test helps diagnose black mold exposure and is utilized to evaluate treatment efficacy.

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

Black Olive Allergy Test

A black olive allergy test is a type of diagnostic test that can determine if a person is allergic to black olives. This test typically involves a skin prick test or blood test to check for specific antibodies that indicate an allergic reaction to black olives.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Black Pepper Allergy Test

A Black Pepper allergy test is conducted to identify if a person is allergic to Black Pepper. This test can be carried out through different methods such as skin prick tests or blood tests. If allergic, symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, breathing difficulties, and digestive issues may occur upon consuming Black Pepper. Individuals with Black Pepper allergies should avoid products containing this ingredient to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Black Tea Allergy Test

A black tea allergy test is conducted to identify if a person is allergic to black tea through methods such as skin prick tests, blood tests, or eliminating black tea from the diet. Symptoms of black tea allergy may include hives, itching, swelling, gastrointestinal issues, or breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Blackberry Allergy Test

A Blackberry Allergy Test is conducted to identify if an individual is allergic to blackberries. The test includes skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge to check the immune response towards blackberries. Symptoms of blackberry allergies are itching, swelling, hives, nausea, vomiting, or difficulty breathing. It is important to seek advice from a healthcare provider for treatment of blackberry allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

BNP Test (B-Type Natriuretic Peptide)

The BNP test measures levels of the hormone BNP in the blood, which is produced by the heart in response to increased pressure or volume. It is used to diagnose and monitor heart failure, differentiate between heart failure and other conditions, assess the severity of heart failure, and guide treatment decisions.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

Brazil Nut Allergy Test

A Brazil nut allergy test is a medical test used to diagnose allergic reactions to Brazil nuts. It can be done through skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge, where the person is exposed to Brazil nut protein and observed for symptoms like rashes, itching, or difficulty breathing. The results help determine if someone is allergic and guide treatment and dietary recommendations.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Broccoli Allergy Test

A broccoli allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to broccoli by using skin prick, blood tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a broccoli allergy may include itching, hives, breathing difficulty, or digestive issues. Patients with food allergies should be aware of their triggers and seek medical advice when needed.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Brussels Sprouts Allergy Test

A Brussels sprouts allergy test helps determine if an individual is allergic to Brussels sprouts through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. Allergic reactions can vary from mild symptoms like itching to severe ones like difficulty breathing.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Buckwheat Allergy Test

A Buckwheat Allergy Test is a medical procedure used to check for allergic reactions to buckwheat by exposing the individual to small amounts of the food. Positive results indicate an allergic reaction to buckwheat and the need to avoid it in the future.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test

The C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test measures levels of a liver-produced protein that increases in response to inflammation. It is used to diagnose and monitor inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, and assess cardiovascular disease risk. Healthcare providers order the test for symptoms of inflammation and to evaluate treatment effectiveness. Interpretation should consider other clinical factors, as elevated CRP levels can be influenced by various factors. Follow-up testing and consultation with a healthcare provider are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning based on CRP test results.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $49.00

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C-Reactive Protein (CRP), High Sensitivity

High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) is a blood test that detects C-reactive protein levels with high sensitivity, indicating inflammation in the body. It is used to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease and monitor inflammatory conditions like autoimmune diseases. Elevated levels of hs-CRP are associated with a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes. Results are reported in milligrams per liter, with different levels indicating varying risks. The test is influenced by factors like smoking, obesity, and chronic conditions, and may require multiple tests for accuracy. While not diagnostic alone, hs-CRP is used in combination with other factors to assess cardiovascular risk and guide treatment decisions.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $79.00

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from $79.00Visit Lab

C-Reactive Protein (CRP), High Sensitivity

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is produced in response to inflammation and is linked to health issues like heart disease, infection, and autoimmune disorders. High Sensitivity CRP testing is lauded for its ability to detect low CRP levels and signal inflammation, as well as potential cardiovascular risks. This blood test is frequently employed for monitoring inflammatory conditions and assessing heart health overall.

Sports Testing

from $79.00

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Cabbage Allergy Test

Cabbage allergy testing methods are important in diagnosing allergic reactions to cabbage. Tests such as skin prick tests, blood tests, and food challenges are used to determine if an individual is allergic to cabbage by exposing them to cabbage extract or proteins and monitoring for allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cancer Antigen 125 Test

The CA-125 test measures levels of the CA-125 protein in the blood, with elevated levels potentially indicating ovarian cancer. However, other conditions can also cause elevated CA-125 levels. The test is used alongside other tests and imaging to diagnose, monitor, and assess response to treatment for ovarian cancer.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

from $79.00

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Cancer Antigen 125 Test

The CA-125 test measures CA-125 protein levels produced by organs like ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the abdomen. Primarily linked to ovarian cancer, elevated CA-125 levels can indicate gynecological conditions. It serves as a tumor marker for ovarian cancer diagnosis and monitoring. While it aids in tracking treatment response and disease progression, elevated CA-125 levels can also be present in noncancerous conditions. Typically used in combination with other tests and imaging, serial CA-125 measurements assist in evaluating and monitoring ovarian cancer and related conditions. Additionally, it's beneficial in assessing diseases affecting the reproductive system. Healthcare providers use the CA-125 test for early detection, personalized treatment, and disease monitoring, particularly in ovarian cancer and gynecological conditions.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $79.00

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from $79.00Visit Lab

Candida Albicans Allergy Test

A Candida Albicans Allergy Test is a diagnostic test that determines if a person is allergic to Candida Albicans, a yeast found in various parts of the body. It involves a blood sample to measure specific antibodies produced by the immune system in response to this yeast. Allergic reactions to Candida Albicans can manifest as itching, rashes, wheezing, and digestive problems. The test assists healthcare providers in diagnosing and managing these allergic reactions.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cannabinoid (Marijuana) Screen, Blood

A cannabinoid (marijuana) screen is a test used to detect cannabinoids in a person's blood, showing recent marijuana use. It is commonly used in drug testing programs for various purposes. Results vary based on test sensitivity and marijuana usage frequency. Positive results don't always indicate recent use, as cannabinoids can linger in the body. Additional testing may be necessary for more precise timing. The screen serves as a helpful tool but should be analysed alongside other information for a complete assessment of drug use history.

Drug Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Carotene (Beta Carotene) Test

The Carotene (Beta Carotene) test is a laboratory test that measures levels of beta carotene in the blood. Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for overall health. The test is used to evaluate vitamin A deficiency, monitor individuals with absorption or metabolism issues, and assess the effectiveness of supplements or dietary changes. A blood sample is taken from a vein and sent to a lab for analysis, with results reported in micrograms per deciliter or micromoles per liter to help healthcare providers diagnose and manage conditions related to vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $49.00

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Carrot Allergy Test

The carrot allergy test is a medical procedure used to diagnose carrot allergies in individuals. The test methods include skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets to identify any adverse reactions to carrots. If an allergy is confirmed, the individual should avoid consuming carrots or carrot-containing products to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Casein Allergy Test

A casein allergy test is conducted to diagnose allergic reactions to the protein casein found in milk and dairy products. The test methods may include skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets to identify if symptoms improve when casein is avoided. Results aid healthcare providers in confirming a casein allergy and determining appropriate management for symptoms.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cashew Nut Allergy Test

A cashew nut allergy test is a medical procedure to diagnose cashew nut allergies, involving skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral challenges to monitor for allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cat and Dog Allergy Panel

A cat and dog allergy panel typically includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and sometimes oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to pet dander proteins. Results help diagnose and manage pet allergies effectively for individuals with sensitivities to cats and dogs.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $89.00

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from $89.00Visit Lab

Cat Dander Allergy Test

A Cat Dander Allergy Test is used to determine if someone is allergic to proteins found in cats. Various tests like skin prick or blood tests are used to check the immune response to cat dander. A positive result indicates an allergy, leading to symptoms like sneezing, itching, hives, or asthma upon exposure to cat dander.

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

from $59.00

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from $59.00Visit Lab

Catfish Allergy Test

A catfish allergy test is a medical test conducted by an allergist or healthcare provider to determine if a person is allergic to catfish. Different methods, such as skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges, may be used to diagnose the allergy. The results help in devising a suitable treatment plan for individuals with catfish allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cauliflower Allergy Test

A cauliflower allergy test is conducted to determine if a person is allergic to cauliflower. It involves a skin prick or blood test to measure the immune response to cauliflower proteins. Those suspecting an allergy should consult a healthcare provider for treatment options.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cauliflower Allergy Test

If you suspect you may have a cauliflower allergy, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for proper testing and diagnosis. Allergy testing for cauliflower may include skin prick tests, blood tests, or an elimination diet. These tests can help determine if you have a true allergy to cauliflower and identify any other potential food allergies or sensitivities.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Celiac Disease Antibody Screening Test

The Celiac Disease Antibody Screening Test is a blood test that checks for specific antibodies associated with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption. These antibodies, including tTG, EMA, and DGP, can be elevated in individuals with celiac disease, leading to damage in the small intestine and symptoms like abdominal pain and diarrhea. The test is used as an initial step in diagnosing cupcake disease and may be followed by further tests like an intestinal biopsy for confirmation. Early detection and proper management of celiac disease are crucial for preventing complications and improving quality of life.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $249.00

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from $249.00Visit Lab

Cheddar Cheese Allergy Test

A Cheddar cheese allergy test is a medical procedure to determine if someone is allergic to Cheddar cheese. It involves skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges and helps pinpoint the specific allergen causing the reaction to prevent future exposure.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cherry Allergy Test

A cherry allergy test is used to diagnose allergic reactions to cherries. The test can involve a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge to detect specific antibodies associated with cherry allergies. If confirmed, healthcare providers advise avoiding cherries and having an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chicken (Meat) Allergy Test

A chicken meat allergy test is conducted to determine if an individual is allergic to chicken meat. It can be done through skin prick testing, blood testing, or oral food challenge testing. Skin prick and blood tests detect antibodies that indicate an allergy, while oral food challenge involves consuming chicken meat to observe any allergic reactions. If a chicken meat allergy is confirmed, the individual must avoid chicken and related products to prevent allergic responses.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chicken Feathers Allergy Test

A chicken feathers allergy test is performed to check for allergic reactions to chicken feathers. The test may involve a skin prick test with chicken feather extract or blood tests to measure specific antibodies. If allergic, symptoms like itching, hives, swelling, or breathing difficulties may occur when in contact with chicken feathers.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Chickpea Allergy Test

A chickpea allergy test is a medical evaluation that uses methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges to measure antibodies or immune responses in the body, helping determine if an individual has an allergic reaction to chickpeas.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chili Pepper Allergy Test

A chili pepper allergy test is conducted to check for allergic reactions to chili peppers through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Symptoms of chili pepper allergies include hives, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Chocolate (Cocoa) Allergy Test

A Chocolate (Cocoa) Allergy Test is used to determine if someone is allergic to cocoa, commonly found in chocolate. The test involves a skin prick test or a blood test to check for a reaction to cocoa. Positive results may lead to symptoms like hives, itching, swollen lips, difficulty breathing, or stomach cramps after consuming chocolate or cocoa-containing products.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cinnamon Allergy Test

A Cinnamon Allergy Test is conducted to check for an allergic reaction to cinnamon, which can be identified through blood tests, skin prick tests, or oral challenges. Symptoms of a cinnamon allergy include skin rashes, itching, swelling, and breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Cladosporium Herbarum Allergy Test

The Cladosporium Herbarum allergy test is a diagnostic tool for identifying allergic reactions to this fungus, which is widespread both indoors and outdoors, causing symptoms in certain individuals. The test commonly employs skin prick or blood testing to gauge antibody levels triggered by exposure to Cladosporium Herbarum, allowing healthcare providers to propose suitable management and treatment strategies for the allergy.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Clam Allergy Test

A clam allergy test is a medical procedure to diagnose an individual's allergic reaction to clams through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or food challenges. Test results assist healthcare providers in recommending treatment strategies, such as avoiding clam-based foods and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cocaine Screen and Confirmation, Blood

The cocaine screen and confirmation test uses a blood sample to detect cocaine in the system. The initial screen test provides quick results, while the confirmation test is more specific to confirm cocaine presence and avoid false positives. It is commonly used in forensic and legal settings to determine recent cocaine use.

Drug Testing

from $65.00

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from $65.00Visit Lab

Coconut Allergy Test

A coconut allergy test is used to identify allergic reactions to coconut through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Individuals are exposed to coconut protein in small amounts to detect allergic responses like itching, swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Codfish Allergy Test

A codfish allergy test is done to check for allergic reactions to codfish. It includes skin prick tests, blood tests, and food challenges exposing the person to codfish protein. Diagnosing codfish allergies is crucial as they can lead to severe symptoms like hives, swelling, breathing difficulties, and anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Coenzyme Q10 Test (CoQ10)

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural nutrient in the body essential for energy production and acts as an antioxidant. A CoQ10 blood test can help diagnose deficiencies, often caused by medical conditions, medications, or diet. Symptoms of deficiency include fatigue and muscle weakness. Treatment may include CoQ10 supplements or dietary changes.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $118.00

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from $118.00Visit Lab

Coffee Allergy Test

A coffee allergy test is conducted to identify if an individual has an allergic reaction to coffee or coffee-related products. It usually includes a skin prick test or a blood test to measure the body's immune response to coffee proteins.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential

A CBC with Differential is a standard blood test that offers insights into the composition of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The "differential" aspect of the test focuses on analyzing various types of white blood cells like neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. This comprehensive test aids in the diagnosis of numerous conditions such as infections, anemia, and leukemia.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $28.00

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from $28.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Female Hormone Panel

A comprehensive female hormone panel is a blood test that measures the levels of various hormones in a woman's body. It typically includes tests for estrogen (E1, E2, and E3), progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and cortisol. This panel can help diagnose hormonal imbalances and disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency. It can also be used to monitor hormonal changes during menopause, pregnancy, and other life stages.

Hormone Testing

from $799.00

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from $799.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Female Wellness Panel

A comprehensive female wellness panel consists of various tests and screenings to evaluate a woman's overall health. It includes blood tests, physical exams, and assessments covering aspects such as blood cell count, cholesterol, thyroid function, blood sugar, hormone levels, cervical cancer screening, breast exam, bone density, pelvic ultrasound, and vitamin D levels. The panel aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of health and detect potential health issues, requiring individualized discussions with healthcare providers to tailor specific tests based on personal health history and concerns.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $939.00

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Comprehensive Food Allergy Panel

A comprehensive food allergy panel is a diagnostic test used to identify specific food allergies in an individual. This panel typically involves a blood test that measures the presence of antibodies (IgE) that are produced in response to certain foods.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $259.00

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from $259.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Heart Health Panel

The Comprehensive Heart Health Panel is a thorough set of tests evaluating key factors related to heart health and overall cardiovascular function. It assesses markers associated with heart disease risk, cardiac function, and overall cardiovascular wellness. Components may include cholesterol and lipid tests, cardiac enzymes, electrolyte levels, blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose testing, inflammatory markers, thyroid function tests, and coagulation studies. This comprehensive panel offers healthcare providers insights into an individual's heart health, aids in identifying risk factors, and supports the development of personalized treatment plans. It plays a crucial role in preventive medicine, early detection of heart conditions, and informed decisions about cardiovascular well-being following discussion of the results with healthcare providers.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $269.00

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Comprehensive Male Hormone Panel

A comprehensive male hormone panel is a blood test that measures various hormones crucial for male health. It includes testosterone, estradiol, FSH, LH, DHEA-S, and SHBG. Testosterone influences libido, muscle mass, and mood; estradiol impacts libido and bone health; FSH and LH regulate sperm and testosterone production; DHEA-S affects energy and libido; SHBG binds to sex hormones in the blood. This panel can detect hormone imbalances and diagnose conditions like hypogonadism, infertility, and hormonal disorders. It guides personalized treatment plans for optimal well-being.

Hormone Testing

from $799.00

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Comprehensive Male Wellness Panel

A comprehensive male wellness panel involves a series of blood tests to evaluate a man's overall health. It includes tests for heart health, liver and kidney function, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, hormone levels, and more. Key components of the panel include lipid panel, CBC, blood glucose level, liver and kidney function tests, testosterone levels, PSA test for prostate health, thyroid function tests, vitamin D levels, and inflammatory markers. This panel provides important information about an individual's health status and can help detect potential health issues early.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $939.00

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Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

A Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) is a blood test that evaluates your body's metabolism, organ function, and overall health by measuring substances like electrolytes, glucose, proteins, and enzymes. It helps diagnose conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and electrolyte imbalances. The CMP includes tests for blood glucose, electrolytes, kidney and liver function, protein levels, and enzymes. Results can aid in diagnosing and managing medical conditions, and your healthcare provider will use them, along with your medical history and physical examination, to determine the appropriate treatment plan for any abnormalities detected.

Diabetes Testing

from $39.00

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Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

The Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP) is a blood test that analyzes substances like electrolytes, glucose, and proteins in the bloodstream to evaluate overall metabolism and organ function, particularly the liver and kidneys. This panel is frequently utilized to detect conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and liver dysfunction.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $39.00

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Comprehensive Mineral Panel, Blood

A comprehensive mineral panel blood test is used to evaluate essential mineral levels in the bloodstream like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and others. Results help identify mineral imbalances indicating health conditions, and can recommend treatment based on analysis.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $349.00

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from $349.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Vitamin Panel

A comprehensive vitamin panel is a blood test that measures various vitamins in your body, including A, B, C, D, and E. This test helps identify deficiencies or excesses that can impact health. Your healthcare provider may recommend this test if you have symptoms of deficiency, medical conditions affecting vitamin absorption, or follow a restrictive diet.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $449.00

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from $449.00Visit Lab

Corn Smut Allergy Test

A Corn Smut Allergy Test used to diagnose allergies to corn smut, which is a fungal disease affecting corn plants. This medical test can include skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges to evaluate the body's immune response to corn smut proteins. If an allergy is detected, individuals may have to avoid consuming corn or corn products for allergy prevention.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Corn, Cultivated Allergy Test

A Corn, Cultivated Allergy Test is used to identify if someone is allergic to cultivated corn. This test can include a skin prick or blood test to measure specific antibodies related to corn allergens. If the test is positive, individuals may be advised to avoid consuming corn-containing foods to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cortisol Test

Cortisol test measures cortisol levels in the bloodstream. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, aiding in metabolism, inflammation reduction, and blood pressure control. Healthcare providers order cortisol tests to diagnose conditions like Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome, monitor treatment, and assess stress levels. Prior to the test, patients must follow specific instructions, and results can vary depending on the time of day. Healthcare providers interpret the results to recommend appropriate follow-up steps.

Hormone Testing

from $109.00

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from $109.00Visit Lab

Cortisol, AM & PM Test

The cortisol AM & PM test measures cortisol levels in the body at different times of the day. Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress, regulating metabolism, immune function, and blood pressure. Levels are typically higher in the morning, aiding in waking up and energy levels, and decrease throughout the day. The test helps diagnose conditions like adrenal insufficiency and Cushing's syndrome. Following healthcare provider instructions before the test is crucial, and they will interpret results and suggest necessary treatment.

Hormone Testing

from $129.00

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from $129.00Visit Lab

Cotton Seed Allergy Test

A cotton seed allergy test is used to identify allergic reactions to cotton seeds through skin prick or blood tests. If an allergy is detected, individuals may need to avoid products containing cottonseed oil to prevent adverse reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

COVID-19 Antibody Test

A COVID-19 antibody test is a blood test that detects antibodies produced in response to the virus. These antibodies indicate past infection and can help identify prior exposure to COVID-19, even in asymptomatic cases. However, it's crucial to understand that antibody tests do not diagnose current infections.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $119.00

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from $119.00Visit Lab

Cow Dander Allergy Test

A cow dander allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to proteins in cow dander, which are tiny skin and hair particles shed by cows. The test involves applying cow dander extract to the skin or using a blood test to measure the immune response. Allergic reactions can cause symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes when exposed to cows. Identifying a cow dander allergy through testing can help manage symptoms and avoid exposure.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Cow's Milk Allergy Test

A Cow's Milk Allergy Test is a medical test used to identify allergic reactions to cow's milk through skin prick or blood tests, detecting antibodies. The results aid in diagnosing the allergy and planning treatment.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Crab Allergy Test

A crab allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to crab through skin prick, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Allergic reactions can vary from mild symptoms like hives to severe ones like anaphylaxis. Identifying a crab allergy can help individuals manage symptoms and avoid potential reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Crayfish (Crawfish) Allergy Test

A crayfish allergy test is a medical procedure used to diagnose if a person is allergic to crayfish. It involves a skin prick or blood test to introduce crayfish protein and check for allergic reactions. Test results guide whether one should avoid crayfish in their diet or carry an epinephrine pen for potential allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Crohn's Disease (CD) Test

Diagnosing Crohn's disease involves a thorough evaluation including medical history, physical exam, imaging tests, and laboratory tests. Blood tests can indicate inflammation, while stool tests check for signs of CD. Imaging tests like X-rays and MRI scans visualize the gastrointestinal tract, and endoscopic procedures such as colonoscopy are used to directly examine the digestive tract for abnormalities. Consultation with a gastroenterologist is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and proper management of CD to prevent complications.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $298.00

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from $298.00Visit Lab

Curry Powder Allergy Test

A curry powder allergy test is conducted to identify allergic reactions to curry powder. This test includes skin prick testing, blood tests, or oral food challenges to observe any adverse reactions under medical supervision.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG Antibody Test

The CMV IgG Antibody Test is a blood test that detects the presence of IgG antibodies to cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV is a common virus that can cause flu-like symptoms in healthy individuals but can be more serious in those with weakened immune systems. The presence of IgG antibodies suggests past exposure to CMV, helping healthcare providers diagnose infections. This test is commonly ordered for pregnant individuals or those at risk of CMV infection. A positive result indicates past CMV exposure, while a negative result may indicate no exposure or a recent infection without detectable IgG antibodies.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $119.00

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from $119.00Visit Lab

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Sulfate

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) sulfate is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and serves as a precursor to testosterone and estrogen. It is involved in various bodily functions like immune response, metabolism, and stress management. DHEA sulfate levels can be measured via a blood test to assess adrenal function and detect conditions like adrenal insufficiency and tumors. Low levels are linked to issues such as depression and fatigue, while high levels can be associated with conditions like PCOS and cancer. Supplementation with DHEA is sometimes used for hormonal imbalances or age-related hormone decline but should be done under healthcare provider guidance.

Hormone Testing

from $169.00

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from $169.00Visit Lab

Diabetes Panel

A diabetes panel consists of blood tests used to diagnose and manage diabetes by measuring blood sugar levels and assessing insulin production and utilization. Tests may include fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, oral glucose tolerance, insulin level, and C-peptide tests. The results help healthcare providers diagnose diabetes, determine its type, monitor blood sugar control, and adjust treatment plans. Regular monitoring with a diabetes panel is essential for individuals at risk for or with diabetes to effectively manage the condition.

Diabetes Testing

from $69.00

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from $69.00Visit Lab

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Test

The DHT test measures levels of dihydrotestosterone in the bloodstream. DHT, synthesized from testosterone, plays a crucial role in male sexual development. The test is used to assess conditions like abnormal hair growth, enlarged prostate, and androgen excess in both males and females, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions such as androgenetic alopecia and hirsutism. Healthcare providers typically order this test, which involves a blood draw from a vein in the arm. Test results inform treatment decisions and monitor hormone therapy effectiveness. Compliance with pre-test instructions and discussing results with the healthcare provider are essential for understanding their health implications.

Hormone Testing

from $189.00

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from $189.00Visit Lab

Diphtheria Immunity Test

The diphtheria immunity test is a blood test used to measure antibodies against the diphtheria toxin to determine immunity. A blood sample is taken and sent for analysis. If low immunity is detected, a booster vaccine may be necessary. Regular vaccinations are recommended. The test is crucial in assessing immunity and the need for vaccination to prevent the spread of diphtheria.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $129.00

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from $129.00Visit Lab

Egg White Allergy Test

An egg white allergy test is a medical screening to diagnose allergic reactions to proteins in egg whites, done through skin prick, blood, or oral food challenge tests. It helps identify egg white allergies and guide treatment to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Egg Yolk Allergy Test

An egg yolk allergy test is a medical test done to check for allergic reactions to egg yolks using a skin prick or blood test. A positive result indicates an allergy to egg yolks and potential symptoms upon consumption.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Epicoccum purpurascens Allergy Test

The Epicoccum purpurascens allergy test is a diagnostic procedure to identify allergic reactions to this mold species. It utilizes various methods like skin prick or blood tests to detect specific antibodies indicating an allergic response. Positive results may lead to symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and respiratory problems upon exposure to the mold.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

ESR Test (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

The ESR test measures how quickly red blood cells settle, indicating inflammation in the body. It can signal conditions like infections, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. The test is used to diagnose and monitor conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. A high ESR level is not specific and may require further testing. The test involves drawing blood, which is left to settle in a tube, with results measured in mm/hr. Normal values vary by age and gender.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $49.00

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ESR Test (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

The ESR test measures the rate at which red blood cells settle in a tube over time and is used to diagnose or monitor inflammatory conditions like infections, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. A high ESR rate may indicate inflammation or infection, while a low rate is normal.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $49.00

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ESR Test (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate)

The ESR test measures the rate at which red blood cells settle at the bottom of a tube of blood over a specific period of time. It is a non-specific test that can indicate the presence of inflammation in the body. A higher ESR rate may be caused by conditions such as infections, autoimmune diseases, and certain types of cancer. However, it is important to note that a high ESR rate can also be caused by non-inflammatory conditions, so further testing may be needed to determine the underlying cause.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

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Estradiol Test

The estradiol test measures estrogen levels in the body, mainly produced by the ovaries in women and testes in men. It is used to assess ovarian function, monitor fertility treatments, and diagnose reproductive disorders. Estradiol levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle in women, and abnormal levels can indicate conditions like PCOS or menopause. In men, estradiol affects bone health and sexual function. Results interpretation should be done alongside other hormone tests and medical evaluation by a healthcare provider.

Fertility and Pregnancy Testing

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Estrogen Test, Total

The total estrogen test measures overall estrogen levels in the body, including different types of estrogen hormones. Estrogen is important for female reproductive health. This test is used to assess various reproductive issues in women, monitor hormone replacement therapy, and evaluate treatment effectiveness. In men, abnormal estrogen levels can signal hormonal imbalances or health conditions. Results interpretation should involve a healthcare provider to determine any necessary follow-up actions or treatment.

Fertility and Pregnancy Testing

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Ethylene Oxide Allergy Test

An ethylene oxide allergy test is a medical procedure to diagnose allergic reactions to ethylene oxide, a chemical used in medical devices, sterilization processes, and household goods. The test can include patch or blood testing to identify immune responses or antibodies to ethylene oxide. It is beneficial for individuals in industries with ethylene oxide exposure or experiencing allergic symptoms from contact with the chemical.

Allergy Testing

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Eucalyptus Tree Allergy Test

The Eucalyptus Tree Allergy Test is a procedure to identify allergies to eucalyptus trees or products. It includes exposing the individual to eucalyptus tree pollen or extracts and observing their reaction. Tests may involve skin prick, blood tests, or patch tests. Symptoms like itching, swelling, redness, or hives following exposure could indicate an allergy to eucalyptus trees.

Allergy Testing

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Fall Allergy Panel

A fall allergy panel is a medical test that helps determine if a person is allergic to common fall allergens such as ragweed, mold spores, and dust mites. The panel typically involves a skin prick test or blood test to measure the body's immune response to specific allergens. Depending on the results, healthcare providers can recommend treatment options such as allergen avoidance, medications, or allergy shots.

Allergy Testing

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Ferritin Test

A Ferritin test measures ferritin levels in the blood, indicating iron stores in the body. It helps diagnose iron-related disorders like anemia and hemochromatosis. Abnormal ferritin levels may signal health issues needing evaluation and treatment.

Anemia Testing

from $29.00

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Ferritin Test

A Ferritin test measures ferritin levels in the blood, indicating iron stores in the body. It helps diagnose iron-related disorders like anemia and hemochromatosis. Abnormal ferritin levels may signal health issues needing evaluation and treatment.

General Health and Wellness Tests

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Fire Ant (Invicta) Allergy Test

A Fire Ant (Invicta) Allergy Test is used to determine if someone is allergic to fire ant venom, which can cause local reactions like pain and swelling or severe allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. The test involves skin exposure to fire ant venom or a blood test to check for specific antibodies. If positive, the person may need an epinephrine auto-injector and an allergy action plan to manage potential reactions and avoid getting stung by fire ants.

Allergy Testing

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Flaxseed (Linseed) Allergy Test

A flaxseed (linseed) allergy test is conducted to diagnose allergic reactions to flaxseeds, which can cause symptoms like hives and difficulty breathing. The test methods include skin prick, blood test, or oral food challenge, depending on the individual's symptoms and medical history. It helps determine if an individual has an allergy to flaxseeds.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Folic Acid (Folate) Test

The folic acid test measures levels of folic acid in the blood, an essential B vitamin for cell growth and reproduction. Adequate levels are crucial for red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, and preventing birth defects. Healthcare providers order the test for suspected deficiencies, which can cause symptoms like weakness and fatigue. Results help determine treatment like folic acid supplements. Patients should follow specific instructions before the test to ensure accuracy.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test

The FSH test measures FSH levels in the body, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland essential for menstrual cycle and reproductive function. In women, FSH levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, with elevated levels indicating ovarian issues or menopause, and low levels suggesting pituitary gland problems. In men, FSH regulates sperm production, with high levels possibly indicating testicular problems and low levels suggesting pituitary gland issues. The FSH test is used to assess fertility, diagnose reproductive disorders, and monitor hormone therapy, with results interpretation advised by a healthcare provider for further guidance on necessary follow-up actions or treatment.

Fertility and Pregnancy Testing

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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test

The FSH test is a blood test that measures levels of the hormone FSH, produced by the pituitary gland for regulating the reproductive system in men and women. This test diagnoses and monitors conditions like infertility, PCOS, and menopause, and can assess hormone levels in children entering puberty. It's usually part of a series with LH and estradiol tests, interpreted alongside physical exams to identify underlying hormone abnormalities. Consult a healthcare provider for understanding FSH test results and discussing treatment options.

Sports Testing

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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test

The FSH test measures levels of follicle-stimulating hormone in the bloodstream, a hormone crucial for reproductive system function. In women, FSH regulates the menstrual cycle and egg development, while in men, it supports sperm production. This test is used to diagnose fertility issues, irregular periods, and puberty problems, as well as to assess fertility treatment outcomes and pituitary gland function. Normal FSH levels vary by age and sex, and abnormal levels could indicate conditions like PCOS or pituitary disorders, with diagnosis made by healthcare providers using test results and medical history.

Hormone Testing

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Free T3 Test (FT3)

The free T3 test measures unbound triiodothyronine (T3) hormone levels in the blood, which is important for regulating metabolism and energy. It is used alongside other thyroid tests to diagnose conditions like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. A healthcare provider may order this test for symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. Discussing results with a healthcare provider is important for identifying any underlying issues and creating a treatment plan.

Fertility and Pregnancy Testing

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Free T4 Test (FT4)

The free T4 test measures unbound thyroxine hormone levels in the blood, which helps regulate metabolism, growth, and energy. It is used alongside other thyroid tests to diagnose and monitor thyroid disorders like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Healthcare providers may order this test for symptoms of thyroid dysfunction like fatigue and weight changes. Discussing results with a healthcare provider is important for identifying the cause of any abnormalities and determining a treatment plan.

Fertility and Pregnancy Testing

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Garlic Allergy Test

A garlic allergy test is done to find out if someone is allergic to garlic. It can be done through skin prick testing, blood testing, or oral food challenges. If someone shows signs of a garlic allergy, they may need this test to confirm the diagnosis and decide on the right treatment.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Gelatin Allergy Test

A Gelatin Allergy Test is conducted to check for allergic reactions to gelatin, a protein found in various products. It involves a skin prick or blood test to detect specific antibodies signaling a gelatin allergy. A positive result indicates an allergy, prompting the individual to avoid gelatin-containing items to prevent reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Genital Herpes Test

Genital herpes is a common STI caused by the HSV virus, leading to painful sores on the genitals and surrounding areas. Testing is essential for diagnosis, with methods such as blood tests and PCR tests available. It is vital to get tested if experiencing symptoms or engaging in risky sexual behavior. Testing can be done at healthcare providers or sexual health clinics, and early detection and treatment are crucial for symptom management and prevention of transmission.

STD Testing

from $45.00

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Ginger Allergy Test

A ginger allergy test is a medical examination to ascertain if someone has an allergic reaction to ginger. This can be done through skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets with healthcare provider supervision. Allergy symptoms may include itching, hives, swelling, breathing difficulty, and digestive problems. It is crucial for those with suspected ginger allergies to get a proper diagnosis and avoid ginger consumption if needed.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Gluten Allergy Test

A Gluten Allergy Test is a blood test that measures the levels of antibodies that the immune system produces in response to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. This test helps diagnose gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, or wheat allergy. Symptoms of a gluten allergy may include digestive issues, skin rashes, fatigue, and joint pain. A healthcare provider can order this test to determine if gluten is causing an immune response in the body, leading to adverse symptoms. If the test results are positive, the individual may need to follow a gluten-free diet to manage their condition effectively.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Goat Milk Allergy Test

A goat milk allergy test is conducted to diagnose an allergy to goat milk through tests like skin prick, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Symptoms of this allergy may include hives, stomach cramps, diarrhea, or breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Grain Allergy Panel

A Grain Allergy Panel is a blood test that identifies specific antibodies in response to proteins found in grains, like wheat and corn. It helps diagnose grain allergies and pinpoint the specific grain causing the allergic reaction.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Grape Allergy Test

A grape allergy test helps identify if someone is allergic to grapes or grape products through methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. If allergic, individuals are often advised to avoid grapes and grape items to prevent reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Green Bean Allergy Test

A green bean allergy test is a medical evaluation to identify potential green bean allergies through skin prick, blood, or oral food challenge tests supervised by medical professionals. The results aid in diagnosing and managing allergies related to green beans.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Green Pea Allergy Test

The Green Pea Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool to identify allergic reactions to green peas through methods like skin prick and blood tests or elimination diet with food challenges. Results guide healthcare providers in advising treatment and management for individuals with green pea allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Guinea Pig Allergy Test

A Guinea Pig Allergy Test is used to diagnose whether a person is allergic to guinea pigs by checking for specific antibodies in their blood or conducting a skin prick test. Symptoms of a guinea pig allergy may include sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing when in contact with guinea pigs or their dander.

Allergy Testing

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H. Pylori Testing

H. pylori testing is used to diagnose an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can cause peptic ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer. Tests include blood, stool, breath, and biopsy tests to detect the presence of H. pylori. Positive results can guide treatment with antibiotics and acid-reducing medications. Consulting a healthcare provider is important if experiencing stomach ulcer or gastritis symptoms to determine the need for H. pylori testing.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

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Hackberry Tree Allergy Test

Hackberry Tree allergy tests are conducted to determine if someone is allergic to Hackberry Tree pollen. These tests are usually administered by allergists through methods like skin prick tests or blood tests. Allergic reactions to Hackberry Tree pollen can lead to symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, coughing, or worsened asthma.

Allergy Testing

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Halibut Allergy Test

A Halibut Allergy Test is a medical examination conducted to ascertain whether an individual is allergic to halibut fish. The test could include skin prick testing, blood evaluation for specific IgE antibodies, or an oral food challenge in a controlled medical setting. It is advised that individuals with confirmed or suspected halibut allergies undergo testing to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Hemoglobin A1c Test (HbA1c)

The Hemoglobin A1c test measures average blood sugar levels over 2-3 months and is used to monitor and manage diabetes. It reflects long-term blood sugar control, unaffected by short-term fluctuations. Results are reported as a percentage, with higher values indicating poorer blood sugar control. The test helps diagnose diabetes, monitor treatment effectiveness, and assess the risk of complications. Regular Hemoglobin A1c tests are recommended for individuals with diabetes to adjust treatment plans and maintain optimal blood sugar levels, with target levels varying based on individual factors and diabetes type.

Diabetes Testing

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Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test used to diagnose acute hepatitis A infection by detecting IgM antibodies to the virus. It is commonly ordered when symptoms like jaundice, fatigue, nausea, and abdominal pain are present. Presence of IgM antibodies could indicate recent infection or prior vaccination, requiring further testing. Treatment for hepatitis A is mainly supportive and cases typically resolve without long-term issues, but monitoring by a healthcare provider is essential.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test that detects the presence of IgM antibodies specific to the Hepatitis A virus. IgM antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to a recent infection, so a positive result indicates a current or recent Hepatitis A infection. This test is typically used to diagnose acute Hepatitis A infection or to confirm a suspected case of Hepatitis A.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis A Immunity Testing

Hepatitis A immunity testing is a blood test used to check if antibodies are present against the hepatitis A virus, indicating prior infection or vaccination. It is advisable for individuals at risk of hepatitis A exposure, like healthcare workers, travelers to affected regions, or those with liver issues. This testing helps in making vaccination and preventive care decisions for hepatitis A protection.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis A Immunity Testing

Hepatitis A immunity testing, also known as hepatitis A antibody testing, is a blood test that detects antibodies to the hepatitis A virus, indicating past exposure or vaccination. It is recommended for at-risk individuals like healthcare workers and travelers. The test involves a blood sample and results are typically available within days. Depending on the results, vaccination may be advised.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Hepatitis A Test

The page discusses the highly contagious liver infection hepatitis A caused by the hepatitis A virus, which is typically transmitted through contaminated food or water, or close contact with an infected person. Symptoms of hepatitis A include fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice. Testing for hepatitis A involves a blood test to check for antibodies that determine infection and immunity. It is advised to seek testing if exposure or symptoms are suspected, with results usually available within days. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent complications and the spread of infection to others, so consulting a healthcare provider for guidance and testing is recommended. All Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis A, B & C Panel

Hepatitis A, B, and C panel consists of blood tests used to detect and diagnose infections with these three hepatitis viruses that affect the liver. The panel includes tests for antibodies and antigens related to each virus, helping healthcare providers diagnose and manage patients with hepatitis infections. Treatment for hepatitis A, B, and C infections may include antiviral medications, supportive care, and vaccination for prevention. Consulting a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management of hepatitis infections is crucial.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis A, B & C Panel

The Hepatitis A, B & C panel consists of blood tests to detect infections with these viruses. Hepatitis A is short-term and does not typically cause chronic liver disease, while hepatitis B and C can lead to severe complications if untreated. The panel includes tests for specific antibodies and antigens for each type of hepatitis. The results allow healthcare providers to determine if a person is immune, currently infected, or previously exposed to these viruses, guiding further testing and treatment recommendations.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Hepatitis A, B, & C Antibodies Confirmation Panel

The hepatitis A, B, and C antibodies confirmation panel is a blood test used to detect antibodies to these viruses in the body. It can determine past infections or vaccinations. The test helps diagnose and manage hepatitis and assess the need for vaccination. Consult a healthcare provider for concerns or risks of hepatitis infection.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Hepatitis A, B, & C Antibodies Confirmation Panel

The Hepatitis A, B, & C Antibodies Confirmation Panel is a blood test designed to identify antibodies against the hepatitis A, B, and C viruses, revealing past exposure and aiding in determining immunity or active infection. Healthcare providers commonly order this panel to diagnose and oversee cases of hepatitis infections.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test that detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, indicating recent or ongoing infection with the hepatitis B virus. While a positive result suggests acute hepatitis B infection, further testing like the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen test is required for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The hepatitis B core antibody test, IgM, detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, typically within 1-2 weeks of infection. It diagnoses acute or recent hepatitis B and monitors infection progression. A positive result indicates an active infection; however, additional tests, like the hepatitis B surface antigen test, are needed for confirmation. If concerned, consult a healthcare provider for testing and vaccination to prevent serious complications.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test

A Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test is a blood test that checks for antibodies to the hepatitis B virus, to determine if a person is immune due to infection or vaccination. It helps healthcare providers assess the risk of hepatitis B and decide on vaccination needs.

Hepatitis Testing

from $48.00

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Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test

The hepatitis B immunity status test, also known as the hepatitis B surface antibody test, measures antibody levels in the blood to determine immunity to the virus. The test helps healthcare providers assess the need for vaccination and further treatment for those at risk for hepatitis B. Results showing sufficient antibody levels indicate immunity, while lower levels may require additional testing or vaccination.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Quantitative

The hepatitis B surface antibody test measures antibodies in response to the virus, providing immunity. A quantitative test determines antibody concentration, important for protection against infection. High anti-HBs levels indicate immunity from vaccination or previous infection. Used to assess immunity in vaccinated individuals and determine need for booster doses. Results reported in IU/L and interpretation may vary.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

The HBsAg test detects the Hepatitis B virus protein in blood to diagnose current infections, requiring follow-up for treatment decisions. Regular testing is advised for those at risk to monitor health.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

The HBsAg test is a blood test used to detect hepatitis B virus. It is part of routine blood work, helps monitor chronic infections, and identifies carriers. A positive result shows current infection, prompting further tests to determine severity and treatment. Consult a healthcare provider for result interpretation and treatment to prevent liver damage and complications like cirrhosis and cancer.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis B Test

The text discusses hepatitis B, a viral infection that affects the liver, transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, and can lead to serious complications if untreated. Testing involves a blood test to detect the virus using specific proteins and antibodies. It is recommended that individuals at high risk, like healthcare workers or those with multiple sexual partners, get tested regularly. Pregnant women should also be tested to prevent transmission to their babies. Treatment includes antiviral medications. Early detection through testing is crucial to prevent spread and avoid long-term liver damage. Other Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis C Test

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that can lead to liver damage, and many infected individuals are unaware due to the lack of symptoms. Testing involves a blood test for antibodies, with further confirmation through a PCR test if necessary. High-risk individuals should undergo regular testing, including those with specific medical histories. Early detection is key for timely treatment, as new medications can cure the infection in a short period. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect you may be at risk for hepatitis C to prevent long-term liver damage and improve your health. All Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antibody test is a blood test used to detect exposure to the Hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates past exposure, but further testing is required to confirm current infection status. Not everyone exposed to HCV develops chronic infection, and early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent severe liver damage. Regular testing is recommended for at-risk individuals, like intravenous drug users and healthcare workers, to improve outcomes with available treatment options.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The HCV antibody test detects antibodies in response to the Hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates past exposure. Further tests may be needed to confirm active infection. Untreated chronic Hepatitis C can lead to liver damage and cancer. Those at risk should get tested regularly for early detection and prevention of complications.

Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test is used to detect antibodies to HCV in the bloodstream. A positive result indicates past infection, while a negative result suggests no antibodies present. Further testing may be needed to determine current infection status, including viral load and liver function tests. A positive result doesn't always mean active infection, so consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended for further evaluation.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Herpes Type 1 and Type 2 Testing

Testing for herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and type 2 is available to diagnose infections caused by these viruses. This testing can determine whether an individual has been infected with either HSV-1 or HSV-2. It is important to get tested if there are symptoms of herpes or if there has been potential exposure. Testing can involve blood tests, swab tests of sores, or a combination of both. Treatment options are available for herpes infections, and early detection through testing is key to managing the condition and reducing the risk of transmitting the virus to others. If you suspect you may have herpes type 1 or type 2, consult with a healthcare provider for testing and appropriate care.

STD Testing

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Herpes Type 1 Test (HSV-1)

The HSV-1 test detects antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 1 which is responsible for oral herpes. The test helps confirm oral herpes diagnosis or past exposure. Results are typically available within a few days, showing past virus exposure if positive. Treatment may involve antiviral medication to manage symptoms and outbreaks. Consult a healthcare provider if oral herpes is suspected.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Herpes Type 2 Test (HSV-2)

The herpes type 2 test, also known as HSV-2 test checks for antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 2, which causes genital herpes commonly spread through sexual contact. It helps diagnose infections, even in individuals without symptoms but who are at risk. Results are typically available in a few days after a simple blood draw. The test may not distinguish between current and past infections, as the virus can remain dormant in the body. Consulting a healthcare provider is recommended for further evaluation and testing, with treatment options available to manage symptoms and reduce transmission risk to others.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) Allergy Test

A Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) Allergy Test is a medical evaluation to check for allergic reactions to HDI, a chemical found in coatings and adhesives. The test involves a skin patch and blood test to detect specific antibodies indicating an allergy. It is crucial for those exposed to HDI in industrial settings to prevent sensitization and severe allergic reactions.

Allergy Testing

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HIV 1 & 2 Antibody (4th Generation) Test

The HIV 1 & 2 Antibody (4th Generation) Test is a blood test that detects HIV antibodies, HIV-1 and HIV-2, along with the p24 antigen. This highly accurate test can detect HIV infection as early as 2-6 weeks post-exposure. It is known as the HIV combination or duo test and is preferred for its ability to detect infection earlier than previous tests. Regular testing is essential, particularly after risky behaviors. Early detection and treatment can help manage the virus and prevent progression to AIDS. Consult a healthcare provider for HIV testing using this specific test.

STD Testing

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HIV 4th Generation Duo Antigen/Antibody Test

The HIV 4th Generation Duo Antigen/Antibody Test is a highly accurate blood test that detects HIV antibodies and the p24 antigen, providing early detection of HIV infection. It is recommended for those recently exposed to HIV and is conducted in healthcare settings, with results available within days. Positive results require confirmatory testing and follow-up care from a healthcare provider.

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The HIV RNA test, also known as the HIV viral load test, measures the amount of HIV RNA in the blood to determine the level of HIV in the body and assess the effectiveness of treatment. It is often used in conjunction with other HIV tests to provide an overall view of the infection status. Results are reported as copies of HIV RNA per milliliter of blood, with a lower viral load indicating effective treatment and a higher load possibly requiring adjustments.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Homocysteine Test

A homocysteine test measures levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood, which is produced during protein metabolism. High levels are linked to increased cardiovascular disease risk. The test is done after fasting and helps assess heart disease risk, especially in individuals with family history or risk factors. Normal levels are 5-15 umol/L, and higher levels may require further evaluation by a healthcare provider. Factors like medications and nutrient levels can influence results, so interpretation should consider overall health status.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

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Honey Allergy Test

A honey allergy test is conducted to diagnose an allergy to honey, which can be done through a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge. Symptoms of a honey allergy may include itching, swelling, hives, stomach cramps, or breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Honey Bee Allergy Test

A honey bee allergy test is conducted to identify allergic reactions to honey bee venom, involving either a skin prick or blood test. Based on the results, treatment options like allergen immunotherapy may be suggested for individuals with confirmed allergies.

Allergy Testing

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HTLV-I/II Antibody, with Reflex to Confirmatory Assay

The HTLV-I/II antibody test detects antibodies to the human T-cell lymphotropic viruses, known to cause diseases like adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-associated myelopathy. A positive result requires a confirmatory assay like PCR or Western blot analysis. Consult a healthcare provider for further testing and treatment planning.

Infectious Disease Testing

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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Test

The human growth hormone (HGH) test measures HGH levels in the blood. HGH, produced by the pituitary gland, is vital for growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism. The test is used to diagnose growth hormone-related conditions like deficiency in children or adults, acromegaly, and to monitor HGH therapy effectiveness. Fasting may be required before the test, and results are reported in ng/mL or mIU/L. Abnormal results could signal the need for further testing or treatment, so consulting a healthcare provider for interpretation and management is advised.

Hormone Testing

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Immunoglobulin A IgA Test

The IgA test measures IgA antibodies in the blood, important for immune defense. It helps diagnose IgA deficiency and related disorders, autoimmune diseases, allergies, and infections. Low levels can increase infection risk, while high levels may indicate autoimmune disorders or cancers. Often included in immune system evaluations, the IgA test guides diagnosis and management of health conditions, with results to be interpreted by a healthcare provider.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

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Immunoglobulin E IgE Test

The IgE test measures IgE antibody levels in the blood, crucial for allergic reactions and often elevated in individuals with allergies or asthma. It helps diagnose allergies when symptoms are unclear and identifies specific allergens causing reactions, guiding treatment options. The test, used alongside medical history and examination, informs healthcare providers on recommending treatments such as allergen avoidance or medications.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Test

Various tests can diagnose or monitor Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), including blood tests, stool tests, colonoscopy, imaging tests, biopsy, fecal calprotectin test, and capsule endoscopy. Consulting with a healthcare provider is crucial to determine the necessary tests based on individual symptoms and medical history.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

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Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) Test

The Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) test evaluates iron levels and transferrin's ability to transport iron in the blood, aiding in detecting iron deficiencies or excess, and conditions like anemia or hemochromatosis. Iron is crucial for red blood cell formation and bodily functions.

Anemia Testing

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Isocyanate MDI Allergy Test

The Isocyanate MDI Allergy Test is a medical procedure used to identify allergic reactions to isocyanate MDI, commonly found in industrial materials. The test, which may include a skin patch or blood test, measures the body's immune response to the chemical. It is crucial for individuals at risk of exposure, such as those working in relevant industries, to prevent allergies and respiratory issues.

Allergy Testing

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Ispaghula (Psyllium) Seed Allergy Test

The Ispaghula (Psyllium) Seed Allergy Test is conducted by healthcare professionals to detect allergies to Ispaghula seeds. Methods like skin prick or blood tests measure the immune response. A positive result indicates an allergy, prompting individuals to avoid products with this ingredient.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Japanese Cedar Allergy Test

The Japanese Cedar allergy test is conducted to check for allergic reactions to Japanese Cedar pollen. It can be done through skin prick tests or blood tests, which measure specific antibodies in the blood. Those with a positive result may experience symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and asthma when exposed to Japanese Cedar pollen.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Kiwi Fruit Allergy Test

A Kiwi fruit allergy test is a medical procedure that helps diagnose an allergy to Kiwi fruit. It may involve skin prick, blood, or oral food challenge tests to identify allergic reactions. Symptoms of Kiwi fruit allergy range from lip and throat itching or swelling to hives, rash, digestive problems, and potentially anaphylaxis. Consulting a healthcare provider for guidance is crucial if a Kiwi fruit allergy is suspected.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Lamb (Meat) Allergy Test

A Lamb (Meat) Allergy Test is a diagnostic test that checks for allergic reactions to lamb meat by measuring the immune response to proteins in the meat through skin or blood tests. If the test shows a positive reaction, it means the individual is allergic to lamb meat and should avoid consuming it to prevent allergic symptoms.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Latex Allergy Test

The Latex Allergy Test assesses one's immune reaction to latex proteins, commonly triggered by exposure to latex products. Testing methods include skin prick, blood, and patch tests to confirm latex allergies. Early detection is crucial to prevent severe reactions like anaphylaxis.

Allergy Testing

from $59.00

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Legal Paternity Testing

Legal paternity testing is a DNA test used to confirm the biological relationship between a potential father and a child for legal purposes such as custody battles, support claims, and inheritance disputes. Samples are collected from the child, potential father, and sometimes the mother, analyzed in a certified laboratory. The results are legally binding and admissible in court to determine parental rights and responsibilities. Using a reputable and accredited laboratory is crucial for accurate and valid results.

DNA Paternity Testing

from $300.00

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Lemon Allergy Test

A lemon allergy test is conducted to diagnose allergic reactions to lemons or lemon products. The test can involve a skin prick test or a blood test called specific IgE to assess the presence of antibodies related to the allergy. Testing is crucial for individuals suspected of having lemon allergies to identify triggers and avoid potential allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Lentils Allergy Test

A Lentils Allergy Test is a diagnostic procedure to detect if someone has an allergy to lentils. It can include skin prick or blood tests, or a supervised food challenge to monitor for allergic reactions. Identifying a lentil allergy is crucial for avoiding potential allergic reactions and managing it with dietary restrictions or medication.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test

The LH test measures luteinizing hormone levels, produced by the pituitary gland to regulate the menstrual cycle and reproductive system. In women, LH helps ovulation and abnormal levels can signal issues like PCOS or infertility. In men, LH stimulates testosterone production and abnormal levels may indicate conditions like low testosterone or infertility. The test is combined with other hormone tests to diagnose reproductive system conditions, infertility causes, or monitor hormone therapy.

Hormone Testing

from $49.00

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Lima Bean Allergy Test

A Lima Bean Allergy Test is a medical test that helps identify if someone is allergic to Lima beans, using methods such as skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges. Symptoms of a Lima bean allergy include hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and gastrointestinal issues.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Lime Allergy Test

The lime allergy test is a medical procedure used to determine lime allergies through skin prick, blood, or oral food challenge tests. The skin prick test involves applying lime extract to the skin and pricking it to observe reactions. A blood test measures the antibodies produced in response to lime, while an oral food challenge is consuming lime with medical supervision.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Lipase Test

The lipase test measures levels of the enzyme lipase, vital for digesting fats and produced mainly by the pancreas. Elevated lipase levels in the blood often indicate pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas due to issues like gallstones or alcohol consumption. This diagnostic test helps diagnose and monitor pancreatitis, assess its severity, treatment efficacy, and guide recovery. Besides pancreatitis, lipase testing can detect conditions affecting the pancreas, gallbladder, or digestive system, such as pancreatic cancer or gallbladder inflammation. Routine lipase monitoring aids healthcare providers in diagnosing and managing pancreatic and digestive disorders promptly. It is an essential tool for assessing pancreatic health, aiding in timely detection, treatment evaluation, and overall pancreatic and digestive system function assessment. Regular lipase testing is crucial for appropriately managing pancreatic conditions and related digestive disorders.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

from $39.00

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Lipase Test

The lipase test measures the levels of lipase enzyme in the blood, which is produced by the pancreas to aid in digesting fats. Elevated lipase levels can indicate pancreatitis. The test is often conducted with amylase to diagnose and monitor pancreatitis, especially when symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are present. A blood sample is taken and sent for analysis, with results typically available within a few days. Abnormal results may require further testing to determine the cause. Following test provider instructions, including fasting, is important before the test.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $39.00

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Lipid / Cholesterol Panel

A lipid panel, also known as a cholesterol panel, is a blood test that measures different types of fats in your blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. This test assesses your risk for heart disease and identifies abnormal cholesterol levels that may require treatment. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and triglycerides. Results are reported in mg/dL, and your healthcare provider will interpret them to determine if further action or treatment is needed based on your individual health profile.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $29.00

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Lipoprotein (a) Test, Lp(a)

The Lp(a) test measures levels of lipoprotein (a) in the blood, which is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It is recommended for individuals with a family history of heart problems. This test is often part of a lipid panel and results are reported in mg/dL. Treatment for high levels may include lifestyle changes and medication, tailored to individual risk factors and test results.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

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Lipoprotein Analysis (NMR) Test

The Lipoprotein Analysis (NMR) test measures different lipoprotein particles in the blood, providing detailed information about size and density. It is used to assess cardiovascular risk more comprehensively than traditional cholesterol tests, helping healthcare providers understand cholesterol profiles and make informed treatment decisions. The test is often ordered for individuals with cardiovascular risk factors and can monitor the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering medications or lifestyle changes. Overall, the test provides a personalized assessment of cardiovascular risk to tailor treatment plans for patients.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $119.00

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Liver Function Test (LFT)

Liver function tests (LFTs) are blood tests that evaluate liver health by measuring levels of enzymes and proteins produced by the liver. Common tests include ALT, AST, ALP, bilirubin, serum albumin, total protein, PT, and INR. Abnormal results may indicate liver injury, disease, or dysfunction. Healthcare providers use LFTs to diagnose liver diseases like hepatitis, monitor liver conditions, and assess medication effects. Abnormal findings may require further testing or treatment by healthcare providers.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $49.00

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Lobster Allergy Test

A lobster allergy test is a medical examination to determine if a person is allergic to lobster. Tests may include skin prick, blood tests, or oral food challenges. If allergic, individuals are advised to avoid lobster and may be prescribed medication or an epinephrine auto-injector for severe reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Lupus Panel

A lupus panel is a blood test used to diagnose and monitor systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease. It includes tests for specific antibodies like ANA and anti-dsDNA, common in lupus patients. Results aid in diagnosing and tracking disease progression.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

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Lupus Panel

A lupus panel is a set of blood tests used for diagnosing and monitoring lupus, an autoimmune disease. It includes tests for specific antibodies, complement levels, and markers of inflammation. These tests aid in assessing the presence and severity of lupus, tracking disease activity, and determining treatment response.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

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Lyme Disease Antibodies Test

The Lyme disease antibodies test, or serology test, detects Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in the blood. It's ordered for those with suspected tick exposure, manifesting symptoms like fever, fatigue, joint pain, and erythema migrans. The test looks for IgM (early infection) and IgG (later infection) antibodies. False results are possible. A positive test may prompt further confirmation testing. Treatment involves antibiotics, with early detection crucial to prevent complications. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect Lyme disease exposure.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $159.00

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Lymphocyte Subset Panel

A lymphocyte subset panel is a blood test that measures different types of lymphocytes which are white blood cells important for immune response. It includes T cells, B cells, and Natural Killer cells. This test can diagnose immune deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, and monitor responses to treatments for conditions like HIV/AIDS and leukemia. Results show percentages or absolute numbers of each lymphocyte subset, highlighting any potential health issues that need further evaluation and treatment.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $188.00

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Lymphocyte Subset Panel

A Lymphocyte Subset Panel is a blood test that measures the different types of white blood cells, specifically lymphocytes, to help diagnose and monitor immune disorders. The panel includes 7 tests that measure the number of different types of lymphocytes, including T-cells, B-cells, natural killer cells, and others. The results of the test can be used to diagnose immune disorders such as HIV/AIDS, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or lymphoma, monitor treatment effectiveness, identify immune suppression or dysfunction, and detect abnormal immune cell populations. The test is typically ordered by a healthcare provider to investigate symptoms such as recurring infections, weakness or fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, fever, skin rash, joint pain, and weight loss.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $188.00

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Macadamia Nut Allergy Test

A Macadamia nut allergy test is a medical procedure used to determine if someone is allergic to macadamia nuts. It can involve skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges to assess reactions to macadamia nut proteins. These tests are conducted to confirm or rule out the presence of a macadamia nut allergy.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Maize / Corn Allergy Test

A maize/corn allergy test is used to diagnose potential allergies to corn. This test usually entails a skin prick or blood test to identify specific IgE antibodies related to corn proteins. A positive test result suggests the individual has a corn allergy and may need to avoid corn or corn-derived products to prevent adverse reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Mango Allergy Test

A mango allergy test is a medical test that helps determine if a person is allergic to mangos, using methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges supervised by a healthcare provider.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Immunity Profile Test

The MMR Immunity Profile Test is a blood test that checks for antibodies against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) viruses. The test measures the level of antibodies in your blood using one of two methods: serum titration or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The test results indicate whether you have immunity to MMR viruses and what type of immunity you have, with three possible results: immune, partially immune, or non-immune. The test is important for public health, as it helps identify individuals who are at risk of contracting MMR viruses and target vaccination efforts accordingly. It is also important for personal health, as it helps individuals determine whether they are immune to MMR viruses and need to receive vaccination or booster shots. Additionally, the test is important for pregnant women, healthcare workers, and individuals with weakened immune systems, as it can help them take precautions to avoid exposure to MMR viruses.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $159.00

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Meat Allergen Panel

A meat allergen panel is a blood test used to identify allergies to certain meats: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, and lamb. It helps healthcare providers diagnose and manage meat allergies by pinpointing specific allergens causing symptoms such as hives, swelling, itching, or difficulty breathing. Results can guide patients and providers in developing strategies to avoid triggers and effectively manage symptoms.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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Melons Allergy Test

A Melons Allergy Test is a medical procedure that aids in identifying allergic reactions to melons, like cantaloupe and watermelon. Skin prick or blood tests are typically used to detect specific antibodies linked to melon allergies. People testing positive for a melon allergy are often advised to steer clear of melons and have an epinephrine injector on hand for potential severe allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Mesquite Tree Allergy Test

The Mesquite Tree allergy test is a medical procedure where individuals are exposed to Mesquite Tree allergens to identify potential allergic reactions. This test aids in diagnosing Mesquite Tree allergies that can induce symptoms like sneezing, coughing, congestion, and skin rashes. Usually conducted by allergists or immunologists, the test may include skin prick or blood tests to detect specific antibodies associated with the allergen.

Allergy Testing

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Millet Allergy Test

A Millet Allergy Test is a diagnostic procedure used to determine if someone is allergic to millet. It involves a skin prick or blood test to check for antibodies indicating an allergy. If allergic, the individual should avoid millet to prevent reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Mold Allergen Panel

The Mold Allergen Panel is a diagnostic test used to identify mold spore allergies through specific mold allergens such as Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium. This test can be done via skin prick or blood tests to measure the immune response, aiding physicians in determining the most effective treatment for individuals with mold allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $199.00

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Mono Test (Mononucleosis)

The mono test, also known as the mononucleosis test, is used to diagnose infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Symptoms include fatigue, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and enlarged spleen. While the test is not always needed for diagnosis, it detects antibodies produced in response to the virus. Treatment involves rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain relievers.

Infectious Disease Testing

from $49.00

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Mountain Cedar Allergy Test

Mountain Cedar Allergy Test: This medical test assesses an individual's sensitivity to Mountain Cedar tree pollen through skin prick tests, blood tests, or allergen-specific IgE tests. Those allergic to Mountain Cedar may exhibit symptoms like sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes, and worsened asthma during peak pollen season. Test results aid in creating tailored treatment plans by healthcare providers to alleviate allergy symptoms.

Allergy Testing

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Mouse Epithelium Allergy Test

A Mouse Epithelium Allergy Test is a blood test that checks for allergic reactions to proteins in mouse epithelium, the tissue that lines the body. It helps diagnose mouse allergies and plan treatment to manage allergic reactions.

Allergy Testing

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Mucor Racemosus Allergy Test

The Mucor Racemosus Allergy Test is used to detect allergic reactions to the common mold Mucor Racemosus through skin prick or blood tests, measuring specific antibodies. Positive results may lead to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, congestion, and skin rashes upon exposure. Treatment involves avoiding the mold and possibly using medications for symptom relief.

Allergy Testing

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Mugwort Weed Allergy Test

The Mugwort Weed Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool to identify allergies to mugwort weed. The test usually includes a skin prick or blood test to detect specific IgE antibodies triggered by exposure to mugwort. Allergic individuals may suffer from symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and potentially asthma or anaphylaxis. This testing can assist in recognizing and managing triggers for allergic reactions.

Allergy Testing

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Mumps IgG Immunity Test

The Mumps IgG Immunity Test is a laboratory test that detects the presence of mumps IgG antibodies in the blood to determine if an individual has developed immunity to mumps. The test is typically performed as a blood test, where a sample of blood is collected from a vein in the arm. The results will indicate whether the individual has developed immunity, has not developed immunity, or the test is inconclusive. A positive result indicates that the individual has developed immunity to mumps and is likely to be protected against future infection. This can be important for prevention, public health, and vaccination purposes.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

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Mustard Allergy Test

A mustard allergy test helps diagnose allergic reactions to mustard through skin prick or blood tests, recommended if symptoms like hives, swelling, breathing difficulties, or stomach issues occur after consuming mustard.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Nut Allergy Panel

The nut allergy panel consists of tests to diagnose allergies to the nuts: almonds, cashews, coconuts, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, and peanuts. It includes skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges to determine the presence and severity of the allergy. Identifying specific triggers can help develop a treatment plan, including avoidance strategies and emergency response measures. Consulting with an allergist is important for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $249.00

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Nutmeg Allergy Test

Nutmeg allergy testing is conducted to identify allergic reactions to nutmeg through tests like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges. The results help determine the allergen causing the reaction and its severity, allowing healthcare providers to offer suitable treatment and management recommendations.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Oat Allergy Test

An oat allergy test helps diagnose whether an individual is allergic to oats. It can be done through a skin prick test, blood test, or elimination diet with a healthcare provider's guidance. Symptoms of an oat allergy include hives, swelling, itching, and difficulty breathing, making it essential to identify and manage the allergy promptly.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Occult Blood, Fecal, Immunoassay

Occult blood in stool, not visible to the naked eye, can be detected by fecal occult blood testing, which screens for hidden blood that may indicate gastrointestinal issues like colon cancer. The immunoassay test is a sensitive method that detects specific proteins associated with blood in stool samples. This non-invasive test helps identify patients who may require further diagnostic testing or follow-up care for gastrointestinal diseases. Regular fecal occult blood testing is recommended for individuals over 50 or with a family history of colon cancer to aid in early detection of health issues.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $90.00

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Onion Allergy Test

If you suspect you have an onion allergy, it is crucial to seek medical attention for proper testing and diagnosis. A healthcare provider may suggest an allergy test like a skin prick or blood test to confirm the allergy. After diagnosis, your healthcare provider can help you manage the allergy by avoiding onion products and carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Oral Herpes Test

Oral herpes, commonly known as cold sores or fever blisters, is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and is easily spread through close contact like kissing or sharing utensils. Symptoms include pain, tingling, and blisters on the lips or inside the mouth. Diagnosis involves a physical exam and possibly lab tests. While there is no cure, antiviral medications can help manage symptoms and promote healing. Seeking medical advice, practicing good hygiene, and using protection during sexual activity are important steps to prevent the spread of the virus.

STD Testing

from $45.00

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Orange Allergy Test

An orange allergy test checks if someone is allergic to oranges through methods like skin prick, blood testing, or oral challenge. Symptoms of an orange allergy can range from hives and itching to severe breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Oregano Allergy Test

An oregano allergy test helps determine if someone is allergic to oregano by measuring antibodies produced in response to exposure through skin prick or blood tests. Positive results suggest an allergy, which can lead to symptoms like itching, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing when exposed to oregano.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Oyster Allergy Test

An oyster allergy test is used to diagnose if someone has an allergy to oysters. It can include a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge. The results help create a treatment plan to manage the allergy and prevent reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Paprika Allergy Test

A Paprika Allergy Test is used to identify if someone is allergic to paprika by measuring specific antibodies through a skin prick or blood test. Positive results indicate a paprika allergy, and the individual should avoid consuming it to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Test

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) test is a blood test that measures PTH levels, which play a crucial role in regulating calcium in the body. The test is used to diagnose conditions such as hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism. Healthcare providers may order a PTH test alongside other tests to make a diagnosis and guide treatment decisions. Following instructions before the test is important.

Thyroid Tests

from $79.00

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Parrot/Parakeet Droppings Allergy Test

The Parrot/Parakeet Droppings Allergy Test is used to diagnose allergies to the droppings of these birds through skin prick or blood tests. Positive results can lead to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, wheezing, or skin rashes upon exposure to the droppings.

Allergy Testing

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Parrot/Parakeet Feathers Allergy Test

A parrot/parakeet feathers allergy test involves different tests to determine if someone is allergic to the feathers of these birds. Positive results may lead to symptoms like sneezing, itching, coughing, or wheezing, and treatment options include avoiding exposure to the feathers, taking antihistamines, or allergy shots.

Allergy Testing

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Peanut Allergy Test

A peanut allergy test is used to identify if someone has an allergic reaction to peanuts. It includes methods like skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. These tests are recommended for individuals with suspected peanut allergies or specific symptoms after consuming peanuts. The results help healthcare providers plan management strategies to prevent future allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Pear Allergy Test

A pear allergy test is a medical test used to determine if an individual is allergic to pears. It may involve skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges to assess the body's reaction to pear allergens.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Pecan Nut Allergy Test

A Pecan Nut Allergy Test is conducted to diagnose pecan nut allergies using skin prick or blood tests. If allergic, individuals must avoid pecan nuts and may need to carry an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Penicillium Chrysogenum Allergy Test (Penicillium Notatum)

Tests for Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium notatum allergies involve exposing individuals to small amounts of these mold species to monitor their reaction. The tests can include skin prick, blood, or patch tests. Allergies to these molds can lead to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itching, and respiratory problems. If allergies are confirmed, individuals may be advised to avoid mold exposure and prescribed medications for symptom management.

Allergy Testing

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Penicilloyl G (Penicillin G/Benzylpenicillin) Allergy Test

The Penicilloyl G (Penicillin G/Benzylpenicillin) Allergy Test is a diagnostic tool to check for allergic reactions to penicillin antibiotics like Penicillin G or Benzylpenicillin. It is crucial to identify penicillin allergies, given its common prescription and the potential for severe, life-threatening allergic responses. The test includes exposing the individual to a small dosage of the antibiotic and monitoring for any adverse reactions, which can be conducted via skin prick, intradermal, or blood tests.

Allergy Testing

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Pine Nut (Pignoles) Allergy Test

A Pine Nut (Pignoles) Allergy Test is a medical evaluation done to check if a person is allergic to pine nuts. It can be done through a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge to detect any allergic reactions to pine nuts.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Pineapple Allergy Test

A pineapple allergy test is a medical procedure used to determine if an individual has an allergy to pineapples. This can involve a skin prick test, blood test, or elimination diet to assess the body's reaction to pineapple extract. Symptoms of a pineapple allergy can range from itching to anaphylaxis.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Pistachio Nut Allergy Test

A Pistachio Nut Allergy Test is used to check if someone is allergic to pistachio nuts, conducted through skin prick, blood testing, or oral food challenge by a healthcare provider. In case of a positive test, avoiding pistachio nuts and having an epinephrine auto-injector for accidental exposure is recommended.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Pork Allergy Test

A pork allergy test is used to determine if someone is allergic to pork by measuring antibodies in response to pork proteins through a skin prick or blood test, helping healthcare providers diagnose and manage pork allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Potato Allergy Test

A potato allergy test includes skin prick tests, blood tests, and oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to potatoes. Symptoms of a potato allergy can include hives, swelling, digestive issues, or breathing difficulties.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Prolactin Test

A prolactin test measures prolactin levels in the blood, primarily produced by the pituitary gland to stimulate milk production. Elevated levels can be caused by various conditions. Healthcare providers order this test to diagnose and monitor abnormalities. Treatment may involve medications or surgery. Consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management.

Hormone Testing

from $59.00

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Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

The PSA test measures levels of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, indicating various prostate conditions like cancer, BPH, and prostatitis. Mainly used for prostate cancer screening, elevated PSA levels may signal the need for further tests like a biopsy. The test also aids in monitoring prostate cancer patients for disease progression. While high PSA levels can suggest cancer, factors like BPH or prostatitis can also raise levels, requiring additional assessments for accurate diagnosis. The PSA test is vital for early prostate cancer detection and management. Healthcare providers rely on the PSA test to assess prostate health, guide cancer screening, monitor disease development, and tailor treatment plans.

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

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Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test

The Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test is a blood test used to screen for prostate cancer in men over 50 and those at higher risk. It detects levels of a specific protein produced by the prostate gland, with elevated levels possibly indicating the presence of prostate cancer. While not a definitive diagnostic tool, it aids in early detection and monitoring of the disease.

General Health and Wellness Tests

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Prothrombin Time (PT) with INR

The Prothrombin Time (PT) with International Normalized Ratio (INR) is a blood test that measures blood clotting time. The test assesses the activity of clotting proteins, and INR standardizes results across labs. It is used to monitor blood-thinning medications like warfarin, diagnose bleeding disorders, assess liver function, and evaluate clotting ability. Results are reported as an INR value, with interpretation by a healthcare provider to determine necessary actions based on individual health and medical history.

Diabetes Testing

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Prothrombin Time (PT) with INR

Prothrombin Time (PT) with International Normalized Ratio (INR) is a blood test that measures blood clotting time by evaluating prothrombin proteins. The INR standardizes results to ensure consistency across tests. It is vital for monitoring patients on anticoagulant medications like warfarin, adjusting dosages to balance clotting and bleeding risks. Higher INR values indicate slower clotting, increasing bleeding risk, while lower values suggest clot formation risk. PT with INR is crucial for managing conditions requiring anticoagulant therapy, such as deep vein thrombosis. Regular testing helps providers assess clotting status, make treatment adjustments, and prevent complications.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

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Pumpkin Allergy Test

The Pumpkin Allergy Test is used to identify allergic reactions to pumpkins with skin prick and blood tests. A positive result shows an allergy to pumpkins, advising avoidance to prevent reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Raspberry Allergy Test

A Raspberry Allergy Test is a medical examination that determines raspberry allergies. It can be done using skin prick, blood, or food challenge tests. The skin prick test places raspberry extract on the skin and the reaction is observed. The blood test checks antibody levels indicating a raspberry allergy. A food challenge test involves consuming raspberries to detect allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Red Cedar Allergy Test

A Red Cedar Allergy Test is a medical evaluation performed by a healthcare provider to identify red cedar pollen allergies in individuals. This testing commonly includes a skin prick or blood test to assess the body's immune reaction to red cedar allergens. By analyzing the results, healthcare professionals can advise patients on avoiding red cedar pollen exposure and suggest suitable treatment methods for allergy symptom relief.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Red Kidney Bean Allergy Test

A Red Kidney Bean Allergy Test helps diagnose allergic reactions to red kidney beans through skin prick or blood tests measuring specific antibodies levels.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

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Reverse T3 Test

The reverse T3 test measures levels of reverse triiodothyronine (rT3), a metabolite of thyroid hormone T4. High rT3 levels can indicate thyroid disorders or other health conditions. This test aids in diagnosing hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid hormone resistance, and can help monitor thyroid function during treatment.

Thyroid Tests

from $59.00

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Test - Rheumatoid Factor (RF)

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune condition that causes joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and stiffness. The Rheumatoid Factor (RF) test is a blood test that detects antibodies in response to inflammation, often associated with RA, but can also be found in other conditions. A positive RF test doesn't always mean RA, and not all RA cases show positive results. It is one of several tests used for diagnosis, alongside anti-CCP test and imaging studies. Clinical evaluation by a healthcare provider is crucial for an accurate diagnosis. Early detection and treatment of RA help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. If you suspect RA symptoms, seek medical evaluation for appropriate management.

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

from $99.00

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Rice Allergy Test

A rice allergy test is a diagnostic procedure to detect if someone has an allergic reaction to rice. It usually includes a skin prick or blood test to identify specific antibodies to rice proteins. Additionally, a food challenge test may be conducted with medical supervision to confirm the diagnosis. This test helps pinpoint the allergen causing symptoms like hives, itching, or swelling after consuming rice.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Rubella IgG Immunity Test

A Rubella IgG Immunity Test is a blood test used to determine if an individual has immunity to Rubella by measuring IgG antibodies in the blood. Rubella is a viral infection that can be harmful, especially to pregnant women. Testing is recommended for pregnant women, unvaccinated individuals, those with incomplete vaccine doses, and travelers to high-risk areas. The test involves drawing a blood sample, which is then analyzed in a laboratory for IgG antibodies against Rubella. Positive results indicate immunity, while negative results may require vaccination.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $39.00

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Rye Allergy Test

A rye allergy test is a medical examination conducted to identify if an individual is allergic to rye, a cereal grain found in bread and other baked goods. The test may include a skin prick test or a blood test to measure antibodies specific to rye proteins. Test results can assist in determining if rye consumption should be avoided to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Salmon Allergy Test

A salmon allergy test is a medical procedure that identifies if a person is allergic to salmon. The test can be carried out using skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral challenges. Results help healthcare providers in diagnosing and managing the allergy, and advising on avoiding salmon and related allergens.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Scallop Allergy Test

The Scallop Allergy Test is a medical assessment used to diagnose scallop allergies through procedures like skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets to identify the specific allergen causing reactions. Results from the test can inform relevant treatment and management strategies for individuals who are allergic to scallops.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Seminal Fluid Allergy Test

A seminal fluid allergy test, also called seminal plasma hypersensitivity test, diagnoses allergies to proteins in semen, leading to symptoms like itching and swelling in the genital area. The test involves applying a sample of the person's own semen to the skin for signs of allergic reaction. Treatment may include avoiding semen exposure, using barriers during sex, and desensitization therapy. Consultation with specialists like allergists is advised for diagnosis and management.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Sesame Seed Allergy Test

A sesame seed allergy test helps determine if a person is allergic to sesame seeds. The skin prick test and blood tests like IgE antibody tests are commonly used for diagnosing sesame seed allergies.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Test

The SHBG test measures the level of a protein that binds to sex hormones in the bloodstream, regulating their availability. Abnormal SHBG levels can indicate hormonal imbalances, PCOS, or hypothyroidism. The test is used by healthcare providers to diagnose and monitor conditions related to sex hormones, particularly when investigating symptoms like infertility or irregular menstrual cycles. Interpreting SHBG levels should be done in conjunction with other hormone tests and clinical evaluation.

Hormone Testing

from $69.00

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from $69.00Visit Lab

Shellfish Allergy Panel

A shellfish allergy panel includes skin prick tests, blood tests (specific IgE antibodies), and oral food challenges to identify allergic reactions to shellfish proteins. Results help determine the presence and severity of the allergy for personalized treatment and management.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Shrimp Allergy Test

A shrimp allergy test is a diagnostic method used to identify shrimp allergies in individuals. Various testing techniques such as skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges are used to diagnose the allergy. Once the test is completed, the doctor can confirm the presence of a shrimp allergy and provide appropriate guidance on managing the condition.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Soybean Allergy Test

A soybean allergy test is a medical procedure to detect allergic reactions to soybeans. It can be done through methods like skin prick tests or blood tests. Symptoms of a soybean allergy include hives, itching, swelling, digestive problems, and potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. Proper testing is crucial for diagnosis and developing an effective treatment plan.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Spring Allergy Panel

A spring allergy panel is a specific type of allergy test that is designed to identify allergens that are common during the spring season, such as tree pollen, grass pollen, and other outdoor allergens. This test can help identify specific allergens that may be causing allergic symptoms in individuals during the spring months.

Allergy Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Spruce Allergy Test

A spruce allergy test is conducted to determine if an individual is allergic to spruce trees. Methods include skin prick, blood, or patch tests to assess immune response to spruce allergens. Symptoms include nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Treatment involves avoiding exposure, using medications, or receiving allergy shots.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Standard Female Hormone Panel

The standard female hormone panel is a comprehensive blood test that measures the levels of various hormones in a woman's body. The test includes measurements of estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, cortisol, and catecholamines. These hormones play important roles in the female reproductive system, regulating metabolism, energy production, immune function, and stress response. The test is often used to diagnose and monitor hormonal imbalances associated with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), menopause, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, thyroid disorders, and hypogonadism.

Hormone Testing

from $299.00

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from $299.00Visit Lab

Standard Female Wellness Panel

A standard female wellness panel consists of blood tests that evaluate various aspects of a woman's health including CBC, CMP, Lipid Panel, Thyroid Function Tests, Vitamin D Levels, and Hormone Levels. These tests help assess overall health, metabolic function, heart health, thyroid function, bone health, and hormone levels. Additional tests like Pap smears, mammograms, or bone density tests may be recommended based on individual health concerns. Women should communicate their health history, symptoms, and concerns with their healthcare provider to determine the most suitable tests for their needs.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $289.00

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from $289.00Visit Lab

Standard Male Hormone Panel

The standard male hormone panel is a blood test that measures levels of key hormones affecting male reproductive health and wellbeing. It includes tests for testosterone, LH, FSH, and estradiol. Testosterone is crucial for male reproductive organs, muscle mass, and libido, with low levels leading to symptoms like fatigue and erectile dysfunction. LH and FSH regulate testosterone production, while abnormal levels can indicate hormonal imbalances affecting fertility and health. Estradiol is important for male reproductive health, and elevated levels can impact libido, cardiovascular health, and bone density. The panel helps diagnose conditions such as low testosterone, infertility, and hormonal imbalances, enabling monitoring and treatment. Healthcare providers may recommend this test for symptoms like fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, and infertility to assess hormone levels and identify underlying imbalances.

Hormone Testing

from $299.00

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from $299.00Visit Lab

Standard Male Wellness Panel

A standard male wellness panel includes tests such as Complete Blood Count, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, Lipid Panel, PSA test, Testosterone levels, TSH test, and Vitamin D levels. These tests help to assess overall health, screen for conditions like anemia, diabetes, prostate cancer, and thyroid dysfunction, and monitor important markers for heart health and bone health. The specific tests included may vary depending on individual health needs and risk factors, so consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended to determine the appropriate tests for each individual.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $259.00

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Standard Plus Male Wellness Panel

The Standard Plus Male Wellness Panel is a comprehensive set of blood tests that evaluates the health of adult men. It covers key areas such as heart health, hormone levels, kidney and liver function, blood sugar levels, and overall metabolic health. The panel includes tests like CBC, CMP, Lipid Panel, Thyroid Panel, Testosterone levels, glucose levels, Vitamin D levels, and PSA test. It offers valuable insights into a man's health and can help detect any issues or areas needing improvement. It is recommended for men seeking proactive health management.

General Health and Wellness Tests

from $519.00

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from $519.00Visit Lab

Stinging Insect Allergen Panel

A Stinging Insect Allergen Panel is a blood test that checks for allergen-specific IgE antibodies to common stinging insects. It can identify allergies to bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, and fire ants, which may lead to severe reactions like anaphylaxis. The test results aid healthcare providers in determining treatment and management plans for those with insect venom allergies.

Allergy Testing

from $159.00

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from $159.00Visit Lab

Strawberry Allergy Test

A Strawberry Allergy Test is a diagnostic test conducted by healthcare providers, usually allergists, to identify if a person is allergic to strawberries. It can include skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges to assess the body's immune response and guide the management of the allergy.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Sunflower Seed Allergy Test

A sunflower seed allergy test is a diagnostic test used to determine if someone is allergic to sunflower seeds. It may include a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge to identify specific antibodies or immune responses. Proper testing and consulting a healthcare professional is important to avoid allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Sweet Gum Allergy Test

The Sweet Gum allergy test is used to detect allergies to the sap and pollen from Sweet Gum trees through a skin prick or blood test. Symptoms of such allergies include itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, and skin rashes. If allergic, individuals may need to avoid contact with the trees and use allergy medication to control symptoms.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test

The Sycamore (Maple Leaf) Allergy Test is a medical test commonly performed by allergists or healthcare providers to diagnose allergies to Sycamore trees or Maple leaves. This test may include skin prick tests, blood tests (e.g., IgE antibody test), or patch tests to assess if a person's immune system reacts excessively to the proteins in these plants, resulting in allergic reactions like hay fever, asthma, or skin rashes.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Syphilis Test

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, highlighting its transmission through sexual contact and the potential serious health complications if untreated. It discusses the importance of syphilis testing, mentioning different types of tests available for diagnosis, including blood tests, swab tests of sores, and spinal fluid tests. It emphasizes the need for regular testing, especially for those engaging in high-risk behaviors, and stresses the significance of early detection and treatment to prevent long-term complications and reduce transmission. It also encourages seeking medical care promptly if exposed to syphilis or experiencing symptoms, as syphilis is a curable infection.

STD Testing

from $49.00

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Tapeworm (Echinococcus) IgG Test

The Tapeworm (Echinococcus) IgG test detects antibodies produced in response to the Echinococcus tapeworm infection. Ingesting tapeworm eggs can lead to cyst formation in organs like the liver and lungs. The test measures Echinococcus-specific IgG levels in the blood, indicating current or past infection. It aids in diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and complication risk assessment. If exposure or symptoms are suspected, consult a healthcare provider for evaluation and testing.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $79.00

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from $79.00Visit Lab

Testosterone Maintenance / Therapy Panel

The testosterone maintenance/therapy panel consists of a series of blood tests aimed at monitoring testosterone levels in individuals undergoing testosterone therapy or at risk of low testosterone. The panel includes tests for testosterone levels, free testosterone, estradiol, complete blood count, prostate-specific antigen, lipid panel, and liver function. These tests help in maintaining and optimizing testosterone levels while ensuring the safety and efficacy of treatment by detecting potential side effects.

Sports Testing

from $199.00

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from $199.00Visit Lab

Testosterone Test - Free

A free testosterone test measures the levels of testosterone in your body, a hormone important for male reproductive tissues, muscle and bone growth, hair growth, libido, and other secondary sexual characteristics. Normal testosterone levels vary but are typically between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL for adult males. Low testosterone levels can cause symptoms like fatigue, reduced muscle mass, decreased libido, and mood changes. It is important to have your testosterone levels checked if you have symptoms or certain medical conditions. Treatment may include lifestyle changes or hormone replacement therapy if levels are low.

Hormone Testing

from $59.00

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Testosterone Test - Free

A free testosterone test measures the levels of testosterone in your body, a hormone important for male reproductive tissues, muscle and bone growth, hair growth, libido, and other secondary sexual characteristics. Normal testosterone levels vary but are typically between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL for adult males. Low testosterone levels can cause symptoms like fatigue, reduced muscle mass, decreased libido, and mood changes. It is important to have your testosterone levels checked if you have symptoms or certain medical conditions. Treatment may include lifestyle changes or hormone replacement therapy if levels are low.

Testosterone Testing

from $59.00

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Testosterone Test - Free

A testosterone test measures testosterone levels in the blood, a hormone vital for male health and development, also present in smaller amounts in females. The test can diagnose conditions like low or high testosterone, aid in monitoring treatment effectiveness, and clinics may offer free testing for select populations. It emphasizes consulting healthcare providers about symptoms and concerns before testing to ensure accurate interpretation of results.

Sports Testing

from $59.00

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Testosterone Test - Free and Total

The testosterone test measures testosterone levels in the bloodstream. Testosterone is crucial for male development and maintaining male characteristics. The test can determine levels of free and total testosterone, with free testosterone being available for bodily functions. A healthcare provider may order this test for various reasons, such as symptoms of low testosterone or to monitor levels in certain medical conditions. The test involves taking a blood sample for analysis, with results reported in nanograms per deciliter. It is essential to consider factors like age and health that can influence testosterone levels, and consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended for understanding individual test results.

Testosterone Testing

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

Testosterone Test - Free and Total

The testosterone test measures testosterone levels in the bloodstream. Testosterone is crucial for male development and maintaining male characteristics. The test can determine levels of free and total testosterone, with free testosterone being available for bodily functions. A healthcare provider may order this test for various reasons, such as symptoms of low testosterone or to monitor levels in certain medical conditions. The test involves taking a blood sample for analysis, with results reported in nanograms per deciliter. It is essential to consider factors like age and health that can influence testosterone levels, and consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended for understanding individual test results.

Hormone Testing

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

Tetanus and Diphtheria Titer Test

The Tetanus and Diphtheria titer test measures antibody levels in your blood to check immunity against Tetanus and Diphtheria. It is recommended for adults needing booster shots or at risk individuals. Results guide the need for a booster vaccine.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $149.00

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Tetanus Antitoxoid Titer Test

The tetanus antitoxoid titer test measures blood antibody levels to determine immunity to tetanus and the need for a booster vaccine. High titer levels provide protection, while low levels suggest the need for a vaccine. It is crucial to maintain tetanus immunity due to the bacteria's presence in soil, dust, and manure, potentially entering the body through cuts or wounds.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $99.00

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from $99.00Visit Lab

Thyme Allergy Test

A thyme allergy test is done to check if someone has an allergic reaction to thyme, a commonly used herb. It can be done through skin prick tests, blood tests, or eliminating thyme from the diet. Symptoms of thyme allergy include itching, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. Treatment involves avoiding thyme and related herbs and taking medications like antihistamines to manage symptoms.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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from $49.00Visit Lab

Thyroid Panel

A thyroid panel is a series of blood tests that assess thyroid function by measuring hormone levels. This includes TSH, T4, and T3 tests to detect conditions like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Moreover, the panel may also include tests for thyroid antibodies to identify autoimmune thyroid disorders like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease. Doctors order thyroid panels for patients exhibiting symptoms such as fatigue, weight fluctuations, hair loss, or irregular heart rates.

Thyroid Tests

from $39.00

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Thyroid Panel with TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)

A thyroid panel with TSH is a blood test that assesses thyroid hormone levels, including TSH, which is produced by the pituitary gland to regulate thyroid hormones. This test is used to detect thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Abnormal TSH levels can indicate thyroid hormone imbalances. The panel also includes tests for T3 and T4 levels, crucial thyroid hormones that impact metabolism and energy. Analyzing these hormone levels helps doctors evaluate thyroid function and determine if treatment is needed.

Thyroid Tests

from $59.00

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Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies Test

The TPO antibodies test measures antibodies targeting the thyroid peroxidase enzyme, crucial for thyroid hormone production. High TPO antibody levels suggest autoimmune thyroid diseases like Hashimoto's or Graves' disease. The test aids in diagnosing thyroid disorders, monitoring treatment effectiveness, and assessing disease risks. Elevated antibody levels indicate immune system attack on the thyroid, necessitating hormone therapy or immune response suppression. Discussion with a healthcare provider is vital for interpreting test results, planning treatment, and considering additional tests for diagnosis confirmation.

Thyroid Tests

from $79.00

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from $79.00Visit Lab

Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) Test

The Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) test measures thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins in the blood, which can lead to Graves' disease. Elevated TSI levels are common in Graves' disease and can aid in diagnosis and monitoring. The test helps differentiate Graves' disease from other thyroid disorders and is used for individuals showing hyperthyroidism symptoms. Results are numerical, with higher levels indicating a greater chance of Graves' disease. Healthcare providers interpret results to guide treatment decisions for Graves' disease management.

Thyroid Tests

from $119.00

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from $119.00Visit Lab

Timothy Grass / Hay Allergy Test

Timothy grass/hay allergy tests help identify allergies to these substances through skin prick or blood tests, detecting specific antibodies that trigger symptoms like itching, sneezing, or respiratory problems upon exposure. Treatment may involve avoidance, medication, or allergen immunotherapy.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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Tomato Allergy Test

A tomato allergy test is used to determine if a person is allergic to tomatoes. The test involves a skin prick or blood test to measure antibodies. Symptoms of a tomato allergy may include hives, itching, difficulty breathing, and stomach cramps. It is crucial for those with tomato allergies to avoid tomato products and have appropriate medications ready in case of a severe reaction.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Total Glutathione Test

The total glutathione test measures levels of three forms of glutathione in the body – reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Glutathione is a crucial antioxidant that protects cells from damage by free radicals and oxidative stress. Low glutathione levels are linked to health issues, including chronic illnesses and aging. This test identifies deficiencies and guides treatment to rebalance the body.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $145.00

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Total T4 (Thyroxine) Test

The Total T4 test measures the amount of thyroxine in the blood, a hormone crucial for metabolism and energy regulation. Abnormal levels can signal thyroid issues like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and are often used alongside other tests for diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid conditions.

Thyroid Tests

from $49.00

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Trans-hormone Wellness Panel

The Trans-Hormone Wellness Panel is a comprehensive blood test designed for individuals who are transitioning from male to female. This panel measures the levels of estrogen and testosterone hormones in the blood, providing valuable information for healthcare providers to monitor and adjust hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The test includes measurements of estradiol, estrone, and estradiol valerate, as well as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), to assess the effectiveness of HRT and identify potential imbalances. This panel is essential for transgender women seeking to achieve and maintain optimal hormone balance during their transition.

Hormone Testing

from $149.00

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Triiodothyronine (T3) Test

The triiodothyronine (T3) blood test measures the levels of the thyroid hormone T3. T3 is important for regulating metabolism, energy levels, and growth in the body. The test is commonly used to diagnose thyroid disorders like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism and to monitor treatment. The process involves drawing a blood sample, which is then analyzed in a lab. Patients are advised to follow healthcare provider instructions before the test to ensure accurate results.

Thyroid Tests

from $39.00

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Troponin Cardiac Test

A troponin cardiac test measures troponin levels in the blood, a protein released during heart muscle damage like a heart attack. Elevated levels can signal a recent heart attack or cardiac problems, often used with other tests for diagnosis and monitoring heart conditions.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

from $149.00

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Tryptase Allergic Reaction Test

The Tryptase Allergic Reaction Test is a blood test that measures tryptase levels, an enzyme released by mast cells during allergic reactions. Elevated levels can indicate allergic reactions or anaphylaxis. This test aids in diagnosing, monitoring, and assessing the severity of allergic reactions.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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TSH Test (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone)

The TSH test measures thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in the blood, indicating thyroid function. Abnormal levels can signal hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, with high TSH suggesting hypothyroidism and low TSH suggesting hyperthyroidism. The test diagnoses and monitors thyroid disorders, helping adjust medication doses. It is often ordered with other tests like T3 and T4 for a full thyroid health assessment.

Thyroid Tests

from $39.00

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Tuna Allergy Test

A Tuna Allergy Test is a medical procedure to find out if a person is allergic to tuna. It can be done through skin prick tests, blood tests, or oral food challenges. The test is crucial for individuals who suspect they are allergic to tuna and want to confirm it to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Turkey Meat Allergy Test

A Turkey Meat Allergy Test is conducted to check if someone is allergic to turkey meat. It usually includes a skin prick or blood test to measure specific antibodies indicative of an allergic reaction. Allergic individuals may experience symptoms like hives, itching, swelling, breathing difficulties, or anaphylaxis upon consuming turkey.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Ulcerative Colitis (UC) Test

Various tests can diagnose and monitor ulcerative colitis, such as blood tests to check for inflammation or infection, stool sample analysis for abnormalities, colonoscopy to examine the colon lining, imaging tests for detailed visualization, sigmoidoscopy for lower colon examination, endoscopy for upper GI tract evaluation, and fecal calprotectin test for inflammation detection.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

from $298.00

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from $298.00Visit Lab

Uric Acid Test

A uric acid test measures uric acid levels in the blood, a waste product from purine breakdown. High levels can lead to gout, kidney stones, and kidney disease. The test helps diagnose and monitor these conditions, and may require preparation like avoiding certain substances. Results are reported in mg/dL, with normal levels varying by gender. Abnormal results may indicate underlying medical conditions that need further evaluation and treatment by a healthcare provider.

Kidney and Liver Tests

from $39.00

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Vanilla Allergy Test

A Vanilla Allergy Test is used to diagnose allergic reactions to vanilla through methods such as skin prick tests, blood tests, or elimination diets to see if symptoms improve when avoiding vanilla consumption.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG Titer Test

The Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) IgG titer test is a blood test that checks for antibodies to the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles. A positive result shows past exposure and immunity, while a negative result indicates susceptibility. The test is used to assess immunity in high-risk individuals and confirm cases of chickenpox or shingles.

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

from $130.00

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from $130.00Visit Lab

Vegetable I Allergy Panel

A vegetable allergy panel blood test is used to identify specific antibodies to vegetable proteins that may be causing an allergic reaction. It includes testing for allergens found in the common vegetables: lettuce, spinach, cucumber, celery, and tomato.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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Vegetable II Allergy Panel

A vegetable allergy panel blood test is used to identify specific antibodies to vegetable proteins that may be causing an allergic reaction. It includes testing for allergens found in the common vegetables: carrot, corn, green pea, potato, and white bean.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $159.00

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Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Test

A vitamin B12 and folic acid test, which measures the levels of these nutrients in the body. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are crucial for nervous system function, red blood cell production, and DNA synthesis. Low levels can lead to megaloblastic anemia, while high levels may indicate health issues like liver disease or leukemia. Doctors order this test for patients with symptoms of deficiency, family history of deficiencies, or certain medical conditions affecting absorption. Patients may need to fast before the test, and results help determine if vitamin supplementation is needed.

Anemia Testing

from $59.00

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Vitamin B12 & Folic Acid Test

A vitamin B12 and folic acid test, which measures the levels of these nutrients in the body. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are crucial for nervous system function, red blood cell production, and DNA synthesis. Low levels can lead to megaloblastic anemia, while high levels may indicate health issues like liver disease or leukemia. Doctors order this test for patients with symptoms of deficiency, family history of deficiencies, or certain medical conditions affecting absorption. Patients may need to fast before the test, and results help determine if vitamin supplementation is needed.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $59.00

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Vitamin B12 Test

A Vitamin B12 test is conducted to measure Vitamin B12 levels, which are essential for maintaining nerve cells, DNA production, and red blood cell formation. Low levels may cause fatigue, weakness, and nerve damage. The test is ordered for those with symptoms of deficiency or related risk factors. Results are reported in picograms per milliliter or picomoles per liter, with normal levels ranging from 180-914 pg/mL or 133-675 pmol/L.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $35.00

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Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Test

The Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) test measures riboflavin levels, an essential vitamin for health including energy production, metabolism, and skin/eye health. Low levels can lead to symptoms like fatigue and mouth inflammation, while high levels are rare. The test involves a blood sample and fasting may be required. Results determine if riboflavin levels are normal. Dietary changes or supplements may be recommended if levels are low.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $120.00

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Vitamin B5 Test

The Vitamin B5 test measures levels of this essential nutrient in the body, crucial for energy metabolism and skin health. It is ordered if a deficiency is suspected, and results guide treatment through dietary changes or supplements. Consult a healthcare provider before starting any new regimen.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $49.00

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Vitamin B6 Test

The Vitamin B6 test measures the level of this essential vitamin in the blood to assess the nervous system's functioning and metabolism. It can be ordered if there are signs of deficiency or excess, which may cause fatigue, nerve damage, and other issues. Results aid in diagnosing conditions like anemia and metabolic disorders, guiding treatment decisions. Pre-test fasting may be required, with blood drawn from a vein for analysis.

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

from $129.00

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from $129.00Visit Lab

Walnut Allergy Test

A walnut allergy test is a medical diagnostic test that identifies allergic reactions to walnuts. It involves either a blood test or a skin prick test using walnut extract to observe the body's immune response. Positive results indicate a walnut allergy, prompting individuals to avoid walnuts and related products to prevent allergic reactions.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Watermelon Allergy Test

A Watermelon Allergy Test is a medical test used to diagnose an allergy to watermelon. It can be done through a skin prick test or blood test to check for reactions or antibody levels.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Wheat (Food) Allergy Test

A wheat allergy test is conducted to diagnose allergic reactions to wheat proteins. It can be done through a skin prick test or blood test to check for specific antibodies that indicate an allergy to wheat.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Whey Allergy Test

A whey allergy test is used to diagnose an allergy to whey protein found in dairy products. The test measures IgE antibodies in the blood or by a skin prick test. A positive result indicates an allergy, leading to symptoms like hives or difficulty breathing. Management includes avoiding whey-containing products and following a dairy-free diet with guidance from a healthcare professional.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Yeast Allergy Test

A yeast allergy test is conducted to diagnose whether an individual is allergic to yeast, typically through a skin prick or blood test to detect specific antibodies. The results help healthcare providers determine the appropriate treatment and management for the allergy.

Food Allergy Testing Panels

from $49.00

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Yellow Jacket Allergy Test

A Yellow Jacket Allergy Test is conducted to check for an allergic reaction to yellow jacket venom. The test involves a skin prick or blood sample to measure specific antibodies. Positive results may require carrying an epinephrine auto-injector and taking preventive measures to avoid yellow jacket stings.

Allergy Testing

from $49.00

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